Sibylle Michel


At the awards ceremony (from the left): Julian Burmeister, Technical Director; Dr. Andreas Ecker, Executive Director; Maik Eisenhardt, Sales and Marketing Director © RSG Automation Technics

04/10/2021 – Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Businesses

Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Businesses

RSG Automation Technics awarded as finalist

Textile machine manufacturer RSG Automation Technics was the honored finalist in the business award “Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Businesses”. By  Sibylle Michel

Sustainability has always been a part of Sandler’s philosophy and the company continues to advance its efforts. © Jenny Sturm/

01/10/2021 – Focus on alternative raw materials

Focus on alternative raw materials

Sandler at Index 2021

Sandler will put sustainability and new nonwoven product solutions at the centre of its participation at Index, October 19-22, 2021 in Geneva. By  Sibylle Michel

Das Familienunternehmen Gebr. Otto feiert in diesem Jahr seinen 120. Geburtstag. © Gebr. Otto

30/09/2021 – Baumwollgarne von Gebr. Otto

Baumwollgarne von Gebr. Otto

Garne spinnen für die Zukunft

Passend zum 120. Geburtstag hat Gebr. Otto im vergangenen Jahr eine eigene Marke ins Leben gerufen: „Cotton since 1901. Made in Germany.“ By  Sibylle Michel

Gottstein steht für edle, qualitativ hochwertige Walkstoffe. © Gottstein

29/09/2021 – Naturverbunden und regional

Naturverbunden und regional

Nachhaltige Walkstoffe

Gottstein hat das Produktportfolio der GOTS zertifizierten Stoffe erweitert und eine neue Walkstoffkollektion aus ungefärbter Wolle gelauncht. By  Sibylle Michel

With the avatars, a specific size table with 22 measurements is available, which is optimally adapted to the EU market. © Avalution

28/09/2021 – 3D technology

3D technology

Standard Avatars Kids available now

Standard children’s avatars are now available at Avalution, which help to adapt clothing for boys and girls even better to their fit requirements. By  Sibylle Michel

Die Seminarwoche der Akademie für Textilveredlung findet vom 9. bis 12. November 2021 in der Hansestadt Bremen statt. © Nicole Pankalla

28/09/2021 – Darf ich das?

Darf ich das?

Seminarwoche in Bremen

Die Akadamie für Textilveredlung veranstaltet vom 9. bis 12. November 2021 mehrere Seminare in Bremen, u. a. zu den Themen Baumwolle und Markenschutz. By  Sibylle Michel

The pandemic is not yet fully controlled, global freight remains unreliable and expensive, and cost for energy and global commodities is increasing. © Stockfotos-MG/

27/09/2021 – Manufacturing costs continue to rise

Manufacturing costs continue to rise

Indorama must pass on costs to customers

The cost inflations have reached a level that Indorama can no longer offset. Therefore, the manufacturer will increase the price effective October 1st ... By  Sibylle Michel