
Comic: The final product is at the end of an international supply chain Photo: Macrovector/Shutterstock

Comic: The final product is at the end of an international supply chain Photo: Macrovector/Shutterstock

22/08/2015 – PLM solution

PLM solution

Lectra: Supply chains become networks

The right garment at the right time in the right distribution channel – this is a huge challenge in the era of globalisation and fast fashion. By  Editorial staff
Papers by top-ranking international experts representative of academic research and industry make the Dornbirn-Man-made Fibers Congress a unique ev...

Papers by top-ranking international experts representative of academic research and industry make the Dornbirn-Man-made Fibers Congress a unique event Photo: Dornbirn MFC

Along with its income from registration fees, the Dornbirn Man-made Fibers Congress relies largely on the support of such sponsors as industry, universities ... By  Editorial staff
The new “I love my cotton” campaign from Cotton USA Photos: Cotton USA

The new “I love my cotton” campaign from Cotton USA Photos: Cotton USA

With a new advertising campaign, Cotton USA is aiming to raise awareness for the outstanding quality of American cotton among their customers and consumers. ... By  Editorial staff
19/08/2015 – IVGT


The textile industry network

On 7 October 2015 Frankfurt will host the annual session for weaving mill operating managers. By  Editorial staff
In a modern atmosphere the traditional brand presents itself on one of the most popular shopping malls in Dubai

In a modern atmosphere the traditional brand presents itself on one of the most popular shopping malls in Dubai

The successful brand starts a pilot project in the United Arab Emirates By  Editorial staff