01/03/2016 — auf Deutsch lesen
48th International Congress of the IFKT in Mönchengladbach
The 48th International Congress of the IFKT, the MG Open Spaces 2016 and the VDTF members’ Conference will meet together this year from 8 to 11th June in Mönchengladbach. The International Congress is split in three days. Thursday June 9th after the opening and plenary speeches in the morning the congress program will continue with scientific speeches held in English language in 7 sessions.
The next day the program continues following the rules of the successful event “MG Open Spaces”. The idea of Open Spaces is offering workshops and discussions in different rooms (spaces) with a responsible moderation person or team. Congress participants can choose their favourite spaces and join the space or even contribute own ideas to the contents. Spaces in English and German language will be offered.
Company Monforts offers an extraordinary space about “Knitting Concepts” in their Advanced Technology Center. Saturday June 11th the program continues in Cologne with the members’ conference and the social program will end in the evening in a traditional brewery pub. All days can be selected separately and the booking allows reduced prices for the whole event.
The IFKT’s anniversary year will be seen as an opportunity to look back but also as an incentive to continue the federation’s successful work in years to come. On 27 May 2016, the Swiss National Section will start proceedings with its Annual Meeting and Conference to be held at Swisslastic AG.
As in previous years, the members of the German and Austrian National Sections are also invited to this event and are always given a warm welcome. A detailed programme will be sent out by email at the end of February. Contact: ifws.schweiz@gmx.ch. The German National Section is poised to hold its own event in September. More details will appear in the next issue (5-6) of textile network. In late autumn, an event marking the 60th anniversary of the IFWS/IFKT will be organised by the Swiss National Section.