Sibylle Michel


Lars Bendixen, Segment Manager Graphics, CEO Oliver Zünd, and Stefan Lang, Head of Sales, with the awards for “Best Workflow Solution”, “Best in Robotics”, and “Best Print Support Tool” (from left). © Zünd

22/03/2022 – Automated cutting

Automated cutting

Zünd wins EDP awards for software tools

Zünd receives EDP awards for no less than three of its software tools. By  Sibylle Michel

Dr. Heike Illing-Günther im Gespräch mit Claudia Bartl, STFI. © STFI/Dirk Hanus

22/03/2022 – 30 Jahre STFI – Interview

30 Jahre STFI – Interview

Ein Blick zurück (und) in die Zukunft

textile network sprach anlässlich des 30-jährigen Jubiläums des Sächsischen Textilforschungsinstituts mit der Geschäftsführenden Direktorin Dr. Heike Illing-Günther. By  Sibylle Michel

A Carded/Pulp (CP) line from Trützschler for biodegradable composite nonwovens from pulp and viscose fibers. © Trützschler

21/03/2022 – Nonwovens


Trützschler Nonwovens at IDEA

IDEA, the North American nonwovens show, will take place in Miami, March 28–31, 2022. Trützschler’s booth 2017 focuses on the needs of the American market. By  Sibylle Michel

The user navigates through the textile production stages and individually accesses provided location information, images and content. © Remei

18/03/2022 – Traceability


Cotton fibres traceable back to the origin

With the digital traceability tool my-trace by Remei, the organic cotton textile trader Remei is fully disclosing the manufacturing process of textiles. By  Sibylle Michel

The new multi-bar jacquard raschel machine offers short changeover times, low maintenance, and easy yet reliable operation. © Karl Mayer

18/03/2022 – Lingerie


Precise lace symmetry

Symm-Net articles, which can be produced on Karl Mayer’s new MJ 92/1 B, impress with their perfectly symmetrical appearance. By  Sibylle Michel

Ein waschbarer zertifizierter Topaz Mehrweg-Schutzkittel ersetzt jede Menge Wegwerfprodukte und spart damit Ressourcen und Abfall. Im Bild: Geschäftsführer Matthias Krings, Trans-Textil © Trans-Textil

17/03/2022 – Persönliche Schutzausrüstung

Persönliche Schutzausrüstung

Waschbare Mehrweg-PSA für den Infektionsschutz

Mit den waschbaren Topaz-Schutzkitteln hat die Trans-Textil GmbH eine voll zertifizierte Mehrweg-Lösung für den Infektionsschutz entwickelt. By  Sibylle Michel

Brückner presents a wide range of products for the nonwovens industry at IDEA 2022, directly at the entrance of the exhibition hall. Picture: The Supra-Flow BX double belt thermofusion © Brückner

17/03/2022 – Nonwovens


Brückner at IDEA 2022

At the IDEA 2022 trade fair in Miami, March 28–31, 2022, Brückner presents new machine concepts and solutions for different applications at booth no. 4101. By  Sibylle Michel