Textile is innovative – FKT is in charge.
Our organisation Forschungskuratorium Textil (FKT) is responsible for coordinating the pre-competitive research in the funding programme Joint Industrial Research for 16 German textile research institutes that cooperate closely with textile companies nationwide to continuously develop high-tech textiles as well as new highly efficient and sustainable production processes. And we are successful: No other industry submits as many funding applications as the textile sector.
What is the current state of the art? What is still being researched? Are you looking for answers – on these and other questions? We are the most important point of contact for obtaining general information on the current state of the textile industry – for representatives from industry, science, politics and journalists. Or is there anything else you would like to know? Please call or write us an email. We look forward to the exchange.
Any interest in participating?
If you are positively answering that question, than please have a look on our website: Our new category running projects (https://textil-mode.de/de/forschung/die-igf-in-der-textilbranche/) gives you an impression on the research, our institutes are working at currently. We constantly keep the list updated. So please stop by regularly. If you find a project, to which you would like to contribute your expertise, then please contact the institute that is named and ask for further information.
Fundamental research is important for small and medium sized enterprises (SME), to keep up with new trends. Still quite often they are not able to finance such projects. The programme “Industrial Joint Research” (IGF) starts at that point by supporting outstanding research projects as well as the networking between SMEs and research institutes. Currently the Ministry of Economics and Energy provides 169 million Euros per year for this purpose. In 2019 approximately 18 million Euros flowed into textile IGF-funding alone.
IGF is the main purpose of the German Federation of Industrial Research Association „Otto von Guericke“ e. V., which is the one industry based network for supporting research, transfer and innovation in medium-sized companies. It unites 101 non-profit research associations including about 50 000 enterprises and 1 200 research institutes to make fundamental research possible. The textile industry is represented with nearly 2 700 businesses and 16 research facilities.