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Bogner ‘Shine like a Diamond’, Ski Wear Jacket, 2016. Produced by Forster Rohner Textile Innovations © Forster Rohner

05/05/2017 – Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt

Techtextil 2017: Forster Rohner Textile Innovations

"For our international customer base we develop and produce technical textiles based on the highly sophisticated capabilities of modern embroidery techniques." By  Editorial staff

Digital Printing aroused much interest at Heimtextil – Flyeralarm, one of Germany’s biggest online printers has just become one of Kornit Digital’s new Allegro customers (Photo: Kornit Digital Europe)

17/03/2017 – Heimtextil


Textile printing adds flexibility to design and production

Heimtextil featured an Espon printing machine designed for printing, which paves the way for the quick production of individual textile designs. By  Editorial staff

The stand of Gul Ahmed, Pakistan’s biggest manufacturer of bedding (Photo: Messe Frankfurt) © Messe Frankfurt

21/02/2017 – Heimtextil 2017

Heimtextil 2017

Confidence and insecurities

War in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, Brexit and the election of the property tycoon, entertainer and billionaire Donald Trump as President of the USA gave exhibitors ... By  Manik Mehta, New York

The customer can choose from a broad spectrum of different material qualities in a wide selection of colours and attractive Designs (Photos: Pacual y Bernabeu, S.A.)

17/01/2017 – Textile finishing

Textile finishing

A partner to meet the highest demands

The textile industry is largely dependent on innovations in the area of textile finishing. By  Editorial staff

carpet "Metallic Long Space" by Aquafil (Photo: Aquafil)

03/01/2017 – Innovative fibres and yarns

Innovative fibres and yarns

Fitted carpets with added value

True innovation for carpets is only possible if environmental needs are incorporated in the development phase. This can be seen at the Domotex 2017 in ... By  Editorial staff

Natural Explorations (Photos: Carlin International/Heimtextil, Messe Frankfurt)

21/12/2016 – Heimtextil Trends 2017/2018

Heimtextil Trends 2017/2018

Exploring new worlds

Heimtextil 2017 takes its visitors on a journey into the unknown, full of exciting discoveries and fascinating curiosities. By  Editorial staff

The Heimtextil fair is on a strong path, with countless events and innovations (Photos: Messe Frankfurt/Jochen Günther Fairground)

With even more exhibitors, Heimtextil – the largest and most important international trade fair for home and contract textiles – kicks off the new year ... By  Editorial staff