

With the new concept Topaz Fusion Trans-Textil bridges the gap between individual design and functional high-performance materials. © Trans-Textil GmbH

04/10/2018 – Trans-Textil


Fashion meets innovative textile technologies

With the new concept Topaz Fusion Trans-Textil bridges the gap between individual design and functional high-performance materials. By  Editorial staff

Structure of heat balance measure (developed in-house at DITF) © DITF

The target? Ensuring clothing provides optimal heat exchange! By  Editorial staff

20 years Karl Mayer Rotal - that had to be celebrated in the assembly hall in Mezzolombardo © Karl Mayer

24/09/2018 – 20 years of Karl Mayer Rotal

20 years of Karl Mayer Rotal

Innovations for the warp preparation business were celebrated

On July 6, 1998, Karl Mayer Rotal was founded, opening an era of innovation and expansion for the warp preparation business. By  Editorial staff

Woo Chul, Choi, President of Dong-Jin Textile, and Rainer Müller, Karl Mayer Sales Manager in Asia, at the ceremonial handover of the 125,000th machine on 14 August 2018 © Karl Mayer

19/09/2018 – Karl Mayer

Karl Mayer

125,000th machine crowns a 50-year partnership

Dong-Jin Textile is one of the most well-known players in the sports shoe fabric sector and works for big brand names worldwide. By  Editorial staff

Autoconer X6 © Saurer

14/09/2018 – Saurer AG

Saurer AG

A quantum leap in process automation

With its Bobbin Cloud material flow system based on RFID, the Autoconer X6 takes a definitive step towards Automation 4.0 in the winding field. By  Editorial staff

With a well-designed aid, though, patients can achieve a lot and this has a positive effect on acceptability in civil society too © Frank Purk

23/08/2018 – Textile printing – Part 5

Textile printing – Part 5

Design options in medical technology

Since 2013 the frankpurk Orthopädietechnik & Design not only offers prostheses and orthoses but has also been tackling their aesthetic design. By  Editorial staff

Dilo has brought many innovative solutions to the nonwovens industry © Dilo

21/08/2018 – DiloGroup


Sales and service office in India

DiloGroup, a pioneer in nonwoven textile machinery manufacturing, has opened their sales and service office in India.  By  Editorial staff