08/04/2015 – H. Stoll AG & Co. KG — auf Deutsch lesen
The challenges in the knitting industry
The challenges in the knitting industry are always accumulating. As well as economic factors such as productivity and efficiency, innovative capability plays an increasingly larger role. With its “Technical Textiles”, the company Stoll is one of the few companies worldwide to offer networked flat knitting machine technology expertise in combination with the latest achievements in technical textiles.
Before the focus was purely on fashion, today it is particularly functionality and sustainability that play a large role. Especially challenging are the tasks whereby the customers and partners then also require shape and aesthetics. Aspects of production like waste avoidance and environmental protection are ever more important.
Since 2013, Stoll has been an active member of the Blue Competence sustainability initiative of the German engineering association VDMA (Verband der Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer). Stoll´s “Technical Textiles” paves the way for more sustainability with its development and research assignments.
The Stoll flat knitting machines offer a huge amount of application and productivity potential here. In practice, complex shaped pieces can be quickly and flexibly produced in a way that saves material and produces either no or minimal waste and scrap. Short equipping times, even with small piece numbers, ensure greater efficiency, and that ultimately means better and more economical manufacturing.
Stoll is a point of contact for customers from the following sectors:
Medical technology
Industry technology
Entertainment and lifestyle industry
The Stoll flat knitting technology is used when it comes to complicated textiles that are intended for everyday use. Here, Stoll technology offers excellent results in:
Novel material usages
New structures
Shape design
Process optimization