RSG bietet nichts von der Stange, sondern ist auf Individuallösungen spezialisiert Photo: RSG

RSG bietet nichts von der Stange, sondern ist auf Individuallösungen spezialisiert Photo: RSG

23/10/2015 – ITMA 2015

ITMA 2015

RSG: Revolution!

RSG Automation Technics presents unique specialised machinery, which redefines the term “automation” in the textile industry. With many years of know-how, ... By  Editorial staff
Photos: Trütschler

Photos: Trütschler

22/10/2015 – ITMA 2015

ITMA 2015

rützschler: All four divisions

All four divisions that make up Trützschler will exhibit at a collective stand. Though a final decision on the products to be exhibited has not yet been ... By  Editorial staff
The E³ - triple energy, economics, ergonomics Photo: Saurer

The E³ - triple energy, economics, ergonomics Photo: Saurer

21/10/2015 – ITMA 2015

ITMA 2015

Saurer: Innovations, E³ and Sun

The textile industry today is facing several major challenges: cost and availability of labour, utilisation of resources and the increasing pace of fashion. ... By  Editorial staff
Jigmaster, presented a ITMA Barcelona. The Jigger is able to save water and energy by applying the counter flow rinsing principle to discontinuous...

Jigmaster, presented a ITMA Barcelona. The Jigger is able to save water and energy by applying the counter flow rinsing principle to discontinuous dyeing machines Photo: Lap-Pro

“Dyewa“ is good news for dye houses and the environment: The new type of discontinuous dyeing machine for open width knit goods is able to reduce consumption ... By  Editorial staff
Diamond emery of Matchpoint Photos: Maitchpoint

Diamond emery of Matchpoint Photos: Maitchpoint

18/10/2015 – diamondpeach


ITMA 2015 – Matchpoint: Tool for maximum requirements

Matchpoint Textilmaschinenbau Deutschland, a leading developer of diamond emery products for textile surface finishing, will show diamondpeach plus – the ... By  Editorial staff
27/04/2015 – The textile industry network

The textile industry network

Techtextil/Texprocess 2015: IVGT

An important focus of 2015 is on the major trade shows serving the textiles industry. In addition to the in-house and clothing shows that take place on ... By  Editorial staff