

The 88th edition of Pitti Filati will take place exclusively in digital format on Pitti Connect. © Pitti

21/01/2021 – A digital-only edition on Pitti Connect

A digital-only edition on Pitti Connect

Pitti Filati 88: From 8 February to 5 April 2021

The 88th edition of Pitti Filati will take place exclusively in digital format on Pitti Connect. By  Editorial staff

Paradises: Driven by the belief in between elsewhere, inspiration comes from lost paradises, like deserts or faraway islands with authentic culture, craft and inspirations. © NellyRodi Agency

19/01/2021 – Feeling secure

Feeling secure

Apparel fabrics trends for Spring / Summer 2022 by Intertextile

Spring / Summer 2022: Post-pandemic apparel fabric trends will focus on the theme Secure, according to the Intertextile Directions Trend Committee. By  Editorial staff

New warp knitted fabrics with seersucker look: Karl Mayer particularly sees potential for clothing and home textile manufacturers in Turkey. © Karl Mayer Gruppe

19/01/2021 – Bringing movement to the surface

Bringing movement to the surface

Karl Mayer: First warp knitted textiles with a seersucker effect

The word seersucker originates from Persian. The fabrics offer many advantages are traditionally produced on rapier looms. By  Editorial staff

Mass-market apparel brands and retailers can’t win in the next decade without speeding up and transforming to a demand-focused model closer to the consumer. © Kornit

18/01/2021 – Sustainability: Reshaping supply chains

Sustainability: Reshaping supply chains

Kornit: Production near by the clients

Apparel brands and retailers in Europe are finding they can no longer pursue business as usual. By  Editorial staff

Despite of the softness and delicacy of the M-iFoam Padding, it offers natural hold by stretch stability. © Muehlmeier

14/01/2021 – Friendly on your skin! Friendly to the planet!

Friendly on your skin! Friendly to the planet!

Muehlmeier launches toxin-free M-iFoam Padding

With the latest innovation, Muehlmeier succeeds to offer a real alternative in breast padding for lingerie and swimwear. By  Editorial staff

Sebastian Koinder, Managing Director Munich Fabric Start: "To this day we believed that by joining forces we would be able to repeat our success from September. Especially thanks to the numerous exhibitor registrations and the great trust and support from the industry. Unfortunately, the situation is different in the current winter months and has made planning an event impossible." © Munich Fabric Start

13/01/2021 – Munich Fabric Start cancels Fabric Days

Munich Fabric Start cancels Fabric Days

Corona: Fabric Days no longer justifiable

Continued lockdown, high infection rates, and travel restrictions make it impossible to hold Fabric Days Spring/Summer 22. By  Editorial staff

The program for the digital "Neonyt on Air" 2021 is set. From January 18 to 22, 2021, the digital community format "Neonyt on Air" will enter its second round. © Messe Frankfurt

12/01/2021 – Fashion and sustainability amid the pandemic

Fashion and sustainability amid the pandemic

“Neonyt on Air” 2021

The Neonyt community has a common goal for the entire industry: more sustainability and transparency. Discussions on these topics online from January ... By  Editorial staff