

Print Make Wear will return to Fespa Global Print Expo 2020 in Madrid. © FESPA

07/01/2020 – A content-rich programme

A content-rich programme

Global Print Expo 2020 in Madrid

The Fespa Global Print Expo 2020 (IFEMA – Feria de Madrid, 24–27 March, 2020) set to inform and inspire visitors with content-rich programme. By  Editorial staff

Between 14 and 16 January 2020, air is the guiding theme for Neonyt, the global hub for fashion, sustainability and innovation. © Messe Frankfurt

02/01/2020 – Leading theme “air”

Leading theme “air”

Neonyt: Drive the Change

2020 has begun, and large parts of society are prepared to set new signposts for the climate and biodiversity, the oceans and the forests. By  Editorial staff

Tentree plant ten trees for every product sold in countries all around the globe. © tentree

24/12/2019 – Many trees planted tentree

Many trees planted tentree

Ten trees for every product sold

Tentree, which was founded in 2006, has so far planted around 35 million trees worldwide to keep their brand promise. By  Editorial staff

Bodymapping Revolution article from Karl Mayer © Jean-Luc Valentin

23/12/2019 – Versatile and functional textiles

Versatile and functional textiles

Karl Mayer at ISPO Munich

Karl Mayer intends to also attend the next fair, which will take place from 26 to 29 January 2020. By  Editorial staff

Underwear specialist Dilling won the first place called „Successvirksomhed“. © Dilling

20/12/2019 – Sustainability


Underwear specialist Dilling won the first place

The Danish company was among others awarded for its sustainability strategy, digitization skills and economic success. By  Editorial staff

Fashion on Demand for demand-based production © Lectra

18/12/2019 – Demand-based and sustainable production

Demand-based and sustainable production

Lectra at Munich Fabric Start

Lectra presents innovative solutions for sustainability, personalization, and on-demand at Munich Fabric Start 2020 from February 4 to 6. By  Editorial staff

Godecke Wessel, CEO Foursource © Foursource

18/12/2019 – For a more sustainable apparel industry

For a more sustainable apparel industry

Oeko-Tex and Foursource enter partnership

Foursource is the first worldwide company that can verify Oeko-Tex certificates through a direct interface. By  Editorial staff