

How is the Techtextil/Texprocess received by the younger generation? textile network asked the young Berlin trend agency Sogush, aka Olivia Rudschewski and Susanne Berngruber, to explore the trade fair and let us know what they thought © The Vincent Keiner Photography

30/06/2017 – Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt

A young perspective

How is the Techtextil/Texprocess received by the younger generation? Sogush let us know what they thought. By  Editorial staff

Accu-Mark 3D demo at Texprocess © Gerber Technology

29/06/2017 – Gerber Technology

Gerber Technology

The digital technology revolution

At the Texprocess 2017 we had the possibility for an exclusive interview with Peter Morrissey, Senior Vice-President at Gerber Technology. By  Manik Mehta, New York

Georg Dieners has been steering the fortunes of the Oeko-Tex Association for the past two years. Read here his views on whether our planet can still be saved and the fundamental changes that need to be made in the textile world © Oeko-Tex

28/06/2017 – 25 years Oeko-Tex

25 years Oeko-Tex

An Interview with Georg Dieners

Georg Dieners set aside a generous portion of his time to speak to textile network and to answer our questions on the environment and sustainability. ... By  Editorial staff

The new Lectra Fashion PLM gears fashion companies up for the fourth industrial revolution © Lectra

23/06/2017 – Lectra


Fashion PLM 4.0 is available now

The new Lectra Fashion PLM gears fashion companies up for the fourth industrial revolution. By  Editorial staff

Following Europe, Asia and America, Messe Frankfurt is expanding its textile event portfolio to encompass Africa © fotolia

21/06/2017 – Africa Sourcing & Fashion Week

Africa Sourcing & Fashion Week

Premières in Addis Abeba

Messe Frankfurt takes a new path by cooperating with Africa Sourcing & Fashion Week. By  Editorial staff

Hong Kong - once again the venue of the 12th Prime Source Forum © HKTDC

20/06/2017 – 12th Prime Source Forum

12th Prime Source Forum

The future of fashion sourcing

Over 40 speakers from all over the world spoke on topics related to the T&A business, trade, marketing, financing, new development and technology. By  Editorial staff

Machine engineers Brückner Trockentechnik (from Leonberg in southwest Germany), for instance, had issued invitations to a presentation at their stand by Prof. Ernst Messerschmidt. Regina Brückner and Prof. Dr. Dr. Messerschmidt © Sabine Anton-Katzenbach

19/06/2017 – Techtextil/Texprocess 2017

Techtextil/Texprocess 2017

Trade fairs fully focused on future prospects

The Frankfurt twin trade fairs, Techtextil and Texprocess, have once again lived up to their reputation as an innovation platform. By  Editorial staff