

Innovative Apparel Show at Techtextil: Catwalk for unconventional materials and processing technologies in fashion (Photo: Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH / Jean-Luc Valentin)

14/03/2017 – Techtextil/Texprocess


Smart textiles on their advance

Fashion and cars have several things in common. They can heat, illuminate and communicate: intelligent textiles – also known as smart textiles. By  Editorial staff
06/03/2017 – Index 2017

Index 2017

First-hand knowledge of the latest developments

The show will feature over 650 exhibitors and 12,500 visitors, providing a unique opportunity for suppliers and clients from over 100 countries to meet ... By  Editorial staff

(Photo: STFI)

06/03/2017 – Textile Innovations from Chemnitz

Textile Innovations from Chemnitz

Index 2017: STFI

Das Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. shows at index 2017 the following innovations. By  Editorial staff

VectorQuadroCard by DiloSpinnbau (Photos: Dilo)

04/03/2017 – Index 2017: DILO

Index 2017: DILO

Production lines for the nonwovens industry

DiloGroup will inform in detail about its machine program from fibre preparation to finished needlefelt. By  Editorial staff

PSI once again posted new records at the 55th event (Photo: PSI)

21/02/2017 – PSI


PSI sets records again

PSI continued its growth trajectory! Six per cent more exhibitors, nearly eight per cent more visitors, international visitors climbed to 57 per cent. By  Editorial staff

COMBI-PILOTE COLD: Vignette embedded in clothing that are sensitive to thermal variations and UV rays. They change color gradually to inform parents when the temperature of the child's body changes. (Developed/ Photo: MySenses)

13/02/2017 – 7th Futex 2017

7th Futex 2017

What applications technical textiles have in hospitals?

How can they improve our sports activities? How will they help at home? Those questions were answered on 18th and 19th January 2017 in Marcq-en-Barœul. By  Editorial staff

"We do not mind spending an extra day in Munich". Thomas Dislich is looking forward to the Bluezone in September. (Photos: Vicunha)

Thomas Dislich, Managing Director Vicunha Textil for Europe and Asia, draws positive fair conclusion on the occasion of the Munich Fabric Start/Bluezone. By  Editorial staff