Trade Fairs


SalonEurope at Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics. As an established global flagship for apparel sourcing, Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics – Spring Edition 2021 has attracted a diverse line-up of global companies to join the fair in-person and seize business opportunities in China’s recovering textile market. © Intertextile

09/03/2021 – A diverse line-up

A diverse line-up

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics in March

The fair will now be held on the slightly later date of 17–19 March 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Center. By  Editorial staff

ITM International Textile Machinery Exhibition, which was planned to be held on June 22–26, 2021 has been postponed to June 14–18, 2022, considering the effects of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. © Tüyap

08/03/2021 – Turkey


ITM again postponed, now to 2022

ITM International Textile Machinery Exhibition has been postponed to June 14–18, 2022, considering the effects of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. By  Editorial staff

Martin Auerbach, Hauptgeschäftsführer Verband der Deutschen Heimtextilien-Industrie: „Wer heute glaubt, nach der Pandemie werde alles wieder so sein wie vorher, wird nicht vorbereitet sein.“ © Verband der Deutschen Heimtextilien-Industrie

05/03/2021 – Messeabsagen für 2021

Messeabsagen für 2021

Ein ganzes Jahr ohne Messen, ohne direkte Kundenkontakte?

Die Heimtextil, weltgrößte Messe für Heimtextilien im Wohn- und Objektbereich, wurde für 2021 abgesagt. Auch andere Branchenevents finden nicht statt. By  Editorial staff

Neil Felton, CEO Fespa: “The delayed event will now take place from 12–15 October 2021 in Amsterdam. By then, I’m confident we can bring together the most comprehensive line-up of suppliers, who will have a huge number of innovations to share. And by Autumn 2021, I believe we’ll all be readier than ever to step out of our routines and re-connect with one another in the real world.” © Fespa

02/03/2021 – In challenging times, strength lies in community

In challenging times, strength lies in community

Fespa: Greeting to the industry from Neil Felton

Neil Felton, CEO, Fespa: “A year of unexpected twists and difficult decisions lies behind us and challenged all of us in different ways.” By  Editorial staff

With its digital event, Première Vision Paris is responding to the increasing digitalization of the fashion industry, which is seeking new models to cope with the current crisis and the evolution of its industry. The physical event, Première Vision Paris nevertheless remains essential. © Premiere Vision_Alex Gallosi

01/03/2021 – Trends Spring/Summer 2022

Trends Spring/Summer 2022

Première Vision Digital: On the highway to digitalisation

From February 15 to 19, the digital edition of Première Vision Paris was able to give important impetus to the creative fashion industry for the new season. By  Editorial staff

The sourcing necessities of the fashion industry will become more and more linear; they want more regular meetings and are in favour of intermediate solutions such as this one, complementary to the trade shows which remain essential. This is why Texworld will maintain, if the conditions allow it, an event for fashion and textile professionals in July. © Thomas Deron

01/03/2021 – The meeting place for the fashion industries

The meeting place for the fashion industries

Texworld Evolution Paris – The Showroom

Promise kept: In one week, under exceptional circumstances, buyers exchanged 3,235 requests for collection projects or orders. By  Editorial staff

From May 18 to 20, 2021, the trade shows reach visitors worldwide with an extensive digital concept that includes PSI TV. © Messe PSI/Behrendt und Rausch

24/02/2021 – PSI, PromoTex Expo and viscom

PSI, PromoTex Expo and viscom

Reed Exhibitons: Trade shows have so much more to offer in 2021

New hybrid concept, new date. PSI, PromoTex Expo and viscom will be bringing the world of advertising and sales together – not just under one roof, but ... By  Editorial staff