Trade Fairs


The Autumn Edition of Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles welcomed more than 40000 visitors from around 100 countries. © Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

19/09/2018 – Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles

Burgeoning Contract Business Market

The Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles (27 - 30 August) welcomed around 41000 international visitors, creating a unique platform for 1040 suppliers. By  Editorial staff

There is always room for some „winter-neons“ © Gunold

17/09/2018 – Première Vision: Gunold

Première Vision: Gunold

Embroidery Trends for season autumn/winter 19/20

Embroidery continues to be an important topic, showing itself strikingly with large logos. There is a plenty of experimenting. By  Editorial staff

Texworld Paris - The lectures will be held in the Agora Apparel area from 14.00 to 17.00 hrs on 17 September © Messe Frankfurt

14/09/2018 – Texworld


Fashionsustain goes Texworld Paris

The Fashionsustain conference on 17 September at Texworld Paris shows a spin-off focusing on sustainable shoe and leather innovations. By  Editorial staff

Das vom Modedesigner Angelo Figus, dem Strickexperten Nicola Miller und dem Set-Designer Alessandro Moradei geschaffene atemberaubende Setting des Trendareals führt den Besucher in einen gitterartigen Raum © Pitti Filati

12/09/2018 – Pitti Filatti H/W 2019/20

Pitti Filatti H/W 2019/20


Die weltweit bedeutendste Garnmesse Pitti Filati verwandelte ihre 83.Ausgabe vom 27.-29.Juni in Florenz in ein mitreißendes Experimentierfeld. By  Editorial staff

Vicunha is celebrating 50 years of business! © Vicunha Textil

10/09/2018 – 50 years of Vicunha Textil

50 years of Vicunha Textil

Launch of Autumn/Winter 2019/20 collection

Operating across 3 continents in 8 countries with 50 years of market expertise, Vicunha Textil is a global player in the international denim business. By  Editorial staff

Die Mouvent TX801 kann bei einer Auflösung von bis zu 2000 dpi drucken und brillante, attraktive Druckergebnisse erzielen © Mouvent

07/09/2018 – Mouvent in Indien

Mouvent in Indien

Digitale Textildruck-Innovationen

Schweizer Start-up-Unternehmen ist ausschließlich auf die Schaffung der Zukunft des Digitaldrucks mit wegweisender Digitaltechnologie konzentriert. By  Editorial staff

The Danish label Muse Knitwear stood out here, with clear lines, harmonious colourways and minimalist Danish design © Muse Knitwear, DK

06/09/2018 – Fashion Week Berlin 2018

Fashion Week Berlin 2018

Is green the new black?

In July Berlin found itself once again under the spell of the fashion industry. Reflections on the subject of sustainability at Fashion Week Berlin. By  Editorial staff