

Left to right: Phillip Ebbinghaus, Finance Director Sandler AG; Deputy Commissioner Tom Croteau, Georgia Department of Economic Development; Ben Hulbert, Houston County Development Authority; Dr. Ulrich Hornfeck, Board Member & CCO Sandler AG; Chairman Mark Byrd, Houston County Development Authority; Marian Fraley, Houston County Development Authority; Governor Nathan Deal, State of Georgia; First Lady Sandra Deal, State of Georgia; Bärbl Sandler, Chief Human Resources Officer Sandler AG; Dr. Christian Heinrich Sandler, President & CEO Sandler AG; Tobias Baumgaertel, President Sandler Nonwoven Corporation; Silke Baumgaertel; Vice Chairman Joe Brownlee, Houston County Development Authority; Angie Gheesling, Executive Director Houston County Development Authority; Dr. Joseph Richardson, Houston County Development Authority © Sandler

On October 5th, Sandler Nonwoven Corporation in Perry, Georgia, USA – first overseas subsidiary of the Sandler AG – was formally inaugurated. By  Editorial staff

In April Rusavata celebrated the inauguration of its new Truetzschlerline for production of hydroentangled nonwovens at their headquarters in Rjasan and owns now a modern and highly flexible spunlacing line with a monthly production capacity of more than 700 tons © Trützschler

Rusvata is the only company in Russia which has integrated the complete chain of cotton processing for cotton wool and gauze. By  Editorial staff

“It was a great honour for me and my wife to accept this prize. My thanks to all my staff for their hard work, diligence, commitment and loyalty to the company”, said Dr. Christian Heinrich Sandler. From the left to the right: Ilse Aigner, Bärbl Sandler, Dr. Christian Heinrich Sandler, Tilmann Orth (Member of the Jury) © StMWi

31/08/2017 – Sandler AG

Sandler AG

Once again among „Bavaria’s Best 50“

Sandler AG from Schwarzenbach/Saale, Germany was once again voted one of “Bavaria’s Best 50”. By  Editorial staff

In conclusion, China has a complete nonwoven industry and the world’s largest production capacities to support and meet the rapid growth of this industry, both worldwide and on its huge domestic market. Scientific and technological innovations and intelligent manufacturing will accelerate the pace of industrial upgrading and improve the core competitiveness of China’s manufacturing. The “Going Out” strategy will broaden its market base and development © fotolia

18/08/2017 – Nonwovens in China

Nonwovens in China

A rapid growth is programme!

Owing to the global and huge domestic market demand and technological advancement, China’s nonwovens industry has experienced rapid growth in recent years. By  Editorial staff

Nonwovens set the (acoustics-) tone: Sandler successful at Techtextil 2017 © Sandler

10/08/2017 – Techtextil 2017: Sandler

Techtextil 2017: Sandler

Sandler successful at Techtextil 2017

A quiet working environment even with an open room layout? Yes, made possible by acoustically efficient Sandler nonwovens. By  Editorial staff

Products and services from Groz-Beckert, both internally and externally, should be customer-oriented and reliable, because gaining competitive advantage is not just part and parcel of corporate strategy for Groz-Beckert. Every benefit, small or large, can be crucial to nonwovens producers © Shutterstock

08/08/2017 – Groz-Beckert


Groz-Beckert presents "dur"

The Felting division’s “dur” is this year's latest innovation, distinguished by a combination of patented manufacturing process and new base material. By  Editorial staff

Sandler Management, fltr: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfgang Höflich, Board Member & COO, Dipl.-Kfm. Bärbl Sandler, Chief Human Resources Officer, Dr. Ulrich Hornfeck, Board Member & CCO, Dr. Christian Heinrich Sandler, President & CEO, Dipl.-Ing. (TU) Karsten Luderer, Chief Technical Officer, Dipl.-Kfm. Jürgen Büsker, Chief Financial Officer © Sandler

28/07/2017 – Sandler AG

Sandler AG

Successful year, 60 new jobs

 German nonwovens manufacturer Sandler AG from Schwarzenbach/Saale, Bavaria, reports a successful year 2016. By  Editorial staff