DiloGroup, a pioneer in nonwoven textile machinery manufacturing, has opened their sales and service office in India.

The market for nonwoven products is forecast to continue its growth trend, through both rising world population and the development of innovative products © Uster Technologies
13/07/2018 – Uster Technologies
Uster Technologies
Uster Technologies now covers fabric inspection as well as contamination control

For Groz-Beckert, the ITM 2018 in Istanbul resulted in many interesting discussions and new incentives, and was a resounding success © Groz-Beckert
29/05/2018 – Groz-Beckert
Groz-Beckert to look back at highly successful ITM 2018 trade fair in Istanbul and was delighted to welcome more than 2,000 visitors at their booth.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Greiner und Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal (v.l.) an einer Anlage zum Elektrospinnen an der Universität Bayreuth. Im Gegenlicht sind die dünnen Fasern zu erkennen, aus denen die Vliesstoffe gebildet werden © Christian Wißler
26/04/2018 – Smart Textiles
Smart Textiles
Forscher der Universität Bayreuth, der Donghua University Shanghai und der Nanjing Forestry University haben leitfähige neuartige Vliesstoffe entwickelt.