

Seit 2019 setzt Lenzing auf die Blockchain-Technologie des Hongkonger Start-ups TextileGenesis, um die Rückverfolgbarkeit von Textilien über alle Produktions- und Vertriebsstufen bis hin zu den Fasern sicherzustellen. Robert van de Kerkhof, CCo (Chief Commercial Officer), Lenzing: „Die Technologie schützt vor ‚Fake‘-Produkten: Wo Tencel oder Lenzing Ecovero drauf steht, sind auch Lenzing-Fasern drin.“ © Lenzing AG/Hermann Wakolbinger

05/02/2021 – Nachhaltigkeit – Nachgefragt

Nachhaltigkeit – Nachgefragt

Lenzing: Neue digitale Plattform zur Rückverfolgbarkeit

textile network wollte wissen: Herr van de Kerkhof, wie kommt die digitale Plattform zur Rückverfolgbarkeit der textilen Lieferkette bei den Kunden an? ... By  Editorial staff

© Lenzing

29/01/2021 – Blockchain-enabled traceability platform

Blockchain-enabled traceability platform

Lenzing: New level of transparency in the textile industry

Building on several successful pilot projects, the digital platform for the traceability across the textile supply chain has now been introduced. By  Editorial staff

“We believe that we will be able to attract even more experts from the cellulose fibre sector for the second event.” Michael Carus, CEO Nova-Institute. © Nova-Institut

22/01/2021 – Cellulose fibres are virtually miracle materials

Cellulose fibres are virtually miracle materials

2nd International Conference on Cellulose Fibres, 2–3 February (online event)

Extensive networking and participation opportunities at the online event. Cellulose fibres offer almost endless possibilities and high market growth! By  Editorial staff

Gleistein is world’s first rope manufacturer to take this sustainable step. © Gleistein

12/01/2021 – For a more sustainable future

For a more sustainable future

Gleistein switches to bio-based Dyneema fibres

Gleistein switches its entire portfolio of products made with Dyneema to bio-based Dyneema fibres. By  Editorial staff

Mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung in der Textilfaser- und Bekleidungsindustrie, einschließlich Positionen in den Bereichen Operations, Technik, Sale und Marketing, verfügt Steve Stewart über eine umfangreiche Branchen-Expertise. © Lycra

28/12/2020 – Innovative Produkte und Plattformen beschleunigen

Innovative Produkte und Plattformen beschleunigen

The Lycra Company ernennt Steve Stewart zum Chief Innovation Officer

In der neu geschaffenen Position wird Steve Stewart für die Leitung der Technologie- und strategischen Marketingteams verantwortlich sein. By  Editorial staff

With approximately 3,100 employees, sales revenue of EUR 1,092 million in 2019 and a network of production and sales sites located throughout Europe, North America, South America and Asia, RadiciGroup is one of the world’s leading producers of a wide range of products and solutions für the textile industry. © RadiciGroup

21/12/2020 – Sustainability Report 2019

Sustainability Report 2019

RadiciGroup: Creating shared value is the long-term perspective

RadiciGroup’s commitment starts from within its own production chain. The result: competitive advantage and value added for the whole value chain. By  Editorial staff

Stefan Doboczky, CEO of the Lenzing Group: “We are particularly proud to be the only first-time discloser who has achieved an ‘A’ score for tackling climate change and acting to protect forests. The double A score reconfirms our long-term sustainability strategy and is an exciting acknowledgement of our efforts on transparency as well as sustainable raw material sourcing. This recognition will boost our visibility among a broad group of important stakeholders.” © Lenzing

11/12/2020 – CPD – Carbon Disclosure Project

CPD – Carbon Disclosure Project

Lenzing is sustainability champion

Lenzing is the only first-time discloser recognized with prestigious double A score for global climate and forests stewardship by CDP. By  Editorial staff