

In September 2016 Han Bekke had been appointed to the president of the International Apparel Federation (IAF). During that 36th IAF Convention Han Bekke will hand over the IAF presidency to Cem Altan, founder of Aycem Textiles. © IAF

11/10/2021 – Four questions to Han Bekke

Four questions to Han Bekke

“Apparel supply chain needs re-set…”

Our dialogue partner is an excellent listener, always open-minded in the true sense of the word: reflection included. And so Han Bekke did not hesitate ... By  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh

Am 25. Juni 2021 passierte das viel diskutierte Lieferkettengesetz den Bundesrat. Epson positioniert sich eindeutig zu einer sozial verträglichen Lieferkette und deren Prüfbarkeit. © donvictori0/

22/07/2021 – Industrie in der Verantwortung

Industrie in der Verantwortung

Epson Podcast zum Lieferkettengesetz

In der Juli-Ausgabe des Epson Podcasts spricht Leonie Sterk, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagerin bei Epson, über das kürzlich verabschiedete Lieferkettengesetz. By  Sibylle Michel

With the help of OSCA, companies can bring transparency to their supply chain. For the further development of the software, Setlog’s experts have been in contact with relevant industry associations and many customers. © Lnunes/

21/07/2021 – Supply Chain Act

Supply Chain Act

Setlog adapts SCM software OSCA

Setlog adapts its SCM software OSCA to the new market situation. This makes it even easier to implement the Supply Chain Act. By  Sibylle Michel

Marken können nicht mehr einfach nur ein Produkt verkaufen. Sie müssen Informationen über den reinen Preis hinaus liefern – denn auf dieser Grundlage treffen die Verbraucher des 21. Jahrhunderts zunehmend ihre Entscheidungen. © Manhattan Associates

24/06/2021 – Lieferkette – Kreislaufwirtschaft

Lieferkette – Kreislaufwirtschaft

Manhattan Associates: Erfolgreich von der Linie zum Kreis

Immer mehr Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher wünschen, dass Marken die Verantwortung für ihre Geschäftstätigkeiten tragen. von Pieter Van den Broecke By  Editorial staff

Each morning the keynote speakers will open the programme with exciting statements and lectures. © Irina Sokolovskaya/

17/03/2021 – 35th International Cotton Conference Bremen

35th International Cotton Conference Bremen

Keynotes: Sustainability, transparency and responsibility

Around 400 participants from over 30 countries have registered for the conference, which takes place on 17 and 18 March. By  Sibylle Michel

Message by video from Anna Gedda, Head of Sustainability H&M Group: Uniform legislation on corporate due diligence is important. © OECD_screenshot

17/02/2021 – Diligence in the garment and footwear sector

Diligence in the garment and footwear sector

The 2021 OECD Garment Forum

Labour, human rights, environmental, integrity. The forum discusses emerging risks and the implementation of due diligence in a global world. By  Editorial staff

Today, the results of OECD evaluations, their rulebooks are absent on hardly any issue of international relevance. © OECD

17/02/2021 – Key resources for a responsible supply chain

Key resources for a responsible supply chain

OECD: Sector significant

Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh reports from this year's OECD virtual apparel forum for textile network. By  Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh