As with other Global Standard resources, the development of the GOTS “Due Diligence Handbook” for auditors was an inclusive process involving extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. © Global Organic Textile Standard
As with other Global Standard resources, the development of the GOTS “Due Diligence Handbook” for auditors was an inclusive process involving extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. © Global Organic Textile Standard
Die erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung als Schlüssel zur Finanzierung der Sammlung und Entsorgung von Alttextilien und verpflichtende Vorgaben an nachhaltige Textilien in der neuen Ökodesign-Richtlinie der EU waren u. a. Themen beim Wissenschaftsforum „Circular Economy“ des Öko-Instituts in Berlin. © fascinadora/stock.adobe.com
From now on, Dr. Christian Rink (on the left) will form the Management Board together with CEO Eva Baumann. © CHT