

The AMD and the Bremen Cotton Exchange have been cooperating in this regard since 2017. © AMD Düsseldorf

11/12/2019 – Imparting knowledge on cotton

Imparting knowledge on cotton

The Bremen Cotton Exchange at the AMD

More than 30 students of the degree course fashion management of the Academy Fashion & Design, Dusseldorf, participated on November 5 in the lecture of ... By  Sibylle Michel

The Sion is the first production vehicle to bring together solar integration, mobility services and a bidirectional charging function. © Sono Motors

10/12/2019 – Mobility


Son Motors with a new strategy

Sono Motors launches community funding campaign with target of 50mn euros for a sustainable corporate and vehicle concept. By  Editorial staff

The Atelier paperboard offers limitless possibilities for all users and industries. © Sappi Europe

02/12/2019 – Innovative packaging papers

Innovative packaging papers

A successful autumn season for Sappi

A successful autumn season for Sappi at a collection of trade fairs, with exceptional interest shown in innovative packaging papers By  Editorial staff

Alberto Paccanelli (Euratex President) and Dirk Vantyghem (Euratex Director General) © Fred Beard

25/11/2019 – An ambitious agenda

An ambitious agenda

Euratex with a new leadership

Euratex prepares itself to promote and defend the European apparel and textile industry in the years to come. By  Editorial staff

Over 100 international speakers from science and industry presented the latest innovations and trends in the global fibre and textile industry from 11 to 13 September 2019. © GFC_by Kirstin Toedtling

25/11/2019 – What can be done about microplastics?

What can be done about microplastics?

58th Global Fiber Congress (GFC)

For decades, textiles scientists, researchers and developers from all over the world have travelled to Dornbirn every September to discuss recent developments ... By  Sabine Anton-Katzenbach

A study has shown that one in eight respondents ordering products online do so using Apple’s Siri, Amazon Echo or Google Home. A quarter of participants expressed an intention to shop mainly using voice control. © Dragon Images/Shutterstock

25/11/2019 – See, search, buy

See, search, buy

Revolutionising shopping experiences in the fashion trade

A picture says more than a thousand words. The saying is a good way of describing Visual Search. By  Editorial staff

By 2023, Statista predicts a growth in e-users of almost 9 percent to a total of 90.8 percent. © ednorog13/

22/11/2019 – What companies should keep in mind

What companies should keep in mind

Entering the US market

Companies wishing to enter the US e-commerce business should not only be familiar with the local market and their target group. By  Editorial staff