On Wednesday September 27th IAF’s Pakistani member PRGMEA and IAF inaugurated the first ever IAF regional office.

The voting for the DNFI-Award is different to the usual procedures as it is an international open process © pixabay
13/09/2017 – Discover Natural Fibres Initiative
Discover Natural Fibres Initiative
The Discover Natural Fibres Initiative (DNFI) announce in the month of September the voting for the Innovation in Natural Fibers Award 2017.

Wacker Química do Brasil has been supplying the South American market with silicone products and polymer binders for 40 years. The 21,000-m² site houses administration and logistics, as well as its own silicone production facilities © Wacker Chemie AG
12/09/2017 – 40 Years of Wacker in Brazil
40 Years of Wacker in Brazil
Wacker Chemie AG is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its Brazil-based South American headquarters.