18/07/2024 – Final report Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris

“A fairly positive overall climate”

The summer 2024 edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, held under the theme “Weaving the Future” from July 1st to 3rd, featured nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries and introduced several new initiatives, with the next event scheduled for February 10th to 12th, 2025, at the partially renovated Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition centre.


The summer edition of Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris welcomed nearly 1,200 exhibitors from 26 countries. © Messe Frankfurt France


The latest Texworld Apparel Sourcing Paris, held alongside Avantex and Leatherworld, concluded on July 3rd with lower attendance than the previous year. The economic situation and the “Olympic Games´ effect” on costs were factors in this decline. Despite this, business interactions remained positive. Indian company Sheraton Apparel and Turkish firm SMIT reported successful networking with new and existing contacts. Indian shirt manufacturer Sheraton Apparel, for example, made around thirty solid contacts over three days, and reported several serious approaches to African distributors.

The event introduced new offerings, including fashion accessories and a yarn pavilion featuring global expertise. Avantex highlighted sustainable fashion, with initiatives like the Designer Hub and Materra winning the Avantex Fashion Pitch for its climate-adapted cotton solutions. Leatherworld showcased trends and eco-friendly leather technologies. For example, “Leather Trend”, was an opportunity to discover the new leather tanning technology by “Ecotan”, which avoids the use of metals (Chrome) and chemicals in the leather preparation stages thanks to the use of vegetable tannins.

The Econogy Tour emphasized sustainable practices, guiding visitors to eco-certified exhibitors. Once again this year, the trade fairs focused on Texpertise Econogy, the worldwide umbrella for the Texpertise Network developed by the Messe Frankfurt Group. This concept combines the notions of ecology and economic development in a number of ways. Firstly, the Econogy Finder enables visitors to identify online all suppliers of sustainably produced textiles (around 80 companies in July). The booths of these exhibitors, whose CSR commitments have been verified by a third-party organisation, are also marked with Econogy symbols. The event featured the Econogy Talks on subjects related to the sustainable economy.

The next edition is scheduled for February 10th-12th, 2025, at the refurbished Paris-Le-Bourget exhibition center, promising a better environment for attendees in a completely refurbished Hall 3.