07/11/2016 – Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry — auf Deutsch lesen

Digital, communicative, international, sustainable

The Confederation acts as an umbrella organisation and spokesperson for the industry, including 1,400 businesses, 130,000 employees and approx. EUR 31bn.



The development of Industry 4.0 in textiles and fashion makes innovative products, interconnected and fast processes as well as new business models possible. In order to further unlock the potential of the digital age for the textile and fashion industry the Confederation organised a series of events throughout the year: Following the opening event in Berlin in February, the Confederation joined forces with the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) to present digital processing technologies to around 100 companies in Frankfurt in April. Digital products were next to feature on the event calendar on 26th October in Berlin.

One of the core tasks of industry associations is to foster and maintain a political dialogue through talks, papers and positive media relations. In order to further encourage discussion, build a good rapport and provide a better and unique insight into the industry, the Confederation invited 30 members and employees from the German government to an exclusive PolitFashionTour for the first time, which aimed at exploring different events and catwalks taking place during the Berlin Fashion Week.

Amongst the highlights was the Confederation’s annual general meeting held at the Crown Prince’s Palace in Berlin. Speakers included the Parliamentary State Secretary Jens Spahn, head of the Confederation of German Employers’ Associations Steffen Kampeter and political scientist Prof. Dr. Karl-Rudolf Korte. A new and creative presentation platform for textile start-ups provided a fitting end to a successful event.

GoTextile! is a new project designed to inspire young people and engage them in the world of fabrics and fashion. Since July, seven young enthusiasts have been writing about different industry-related topics on social media on a regular basis. Their activities have sparked huge interest, which has already increased fivefold. More information and updates are available on www.go-textile.de and Facebook.


Europe is a leading decision maker on trade policy issues and other important topics. This is why, since early 2016, the Confederation has also been present in Brussels, where it meets with members of the European Commission and is closely working together with Euratex and other European organisations. These efforts aim to and are advancing the international connections and global position of the German textile and fashion industry.

Since 2015 the Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry has been a member of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, where it represents corporate business interests. The partnership is working towards better social, environmental and economic conditions along the entire textile supply chain and has already achieved an agreement on measures to improve social standards as well as the ban of 100 chemical substances within the next few years. Further important decisions are on the agenda for this autumn.

Partnership for sustainable textiles

Together with Ingeborg Neumann (President) and Dr. Uwe Mazura (Managing Director) the Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry is already planning and exploring new ways of communicating, presenting and representing the industry in the interest of its members throughout 2017.

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