

In Bordeaux, Jami Dunbar gave an impressive talk about the ideas behind the innovative Lighthouse concept by Under Armour (Photo: Under Armour / Videoclip)

17/01/2017 – Lectra/Under Armour

Lectra/Under Armour

What does tomorrow’s textile production look like?

This short question requires a considerably longer answer. At the Lighthouse, Under Armour questions and examines complex processes. By  Editorial staff

Beautiful tonight (Photo: ESA/NASA)

06/12/2016 – Techtextil and Texprocess

Techtextil and Texprocess

Mission to Mars!

Collaboration with the ESA and the DLR in space impossible without technical textiles and the associated processing technology By  Editorial staff

Impressions - Première Vision A/W 17/18 "knitwearsolutions-forum" (Photo: Première Vision)

06/12/2016 – Textile trade fairs autumn/winter 2017/2018

Textile trade fairs autumn/winter 2017/2018

Clear consolidation

Europe’s September textile fairs for A/W 2017/2018 in Paris, Milan and Munich were overshadowed by the economic and geopolitical situation. By  Editorial staff

Beautiful tonight (Photo: ESA/NASA)

06/12/2016 – Techtextil and Texprocess

Techtextil and Texprocess

Mission to Mars!

Collaboration with the ESA and the DLR in space impossible without technical textiles and the associated processing technology By  Editorial staff

Isko Arquas (Photos: Isko)

06/12/2016 – ISKO SS18 collection

ISKO SS18 collection

When fashion rhymes with technology

Authentic and vintage denim look efficaciously combined with the highest level of performance: the essence of ISKO’s collection for Spring-Summer 2018. By  Editorial staff

Impressions VIEW, Munich (Photos: Munich Fabric Start)

05/12/2016 – View Premium Selection

View Premium Selection

Strong Innovative and Trendsetting Portfolio for Spring.Summer 18

More than 300 collections will be providing the first well-founded insights into the textile trends for the Spring.Summer 18 season at View. By  Editorial staff

(Photo: PSI)

01/12/2016 – PSI 2017 - Advertorial

PSI 2017 - Advertorial

Meeting Counter sold out

The diversity of promotional products is reflected by this: 2,366 / the number of different product groups showcased at the PSI trade show. By  Editorial staff