

The 12th hermes Barometer: 42 percent purchase CO2 certificates to support climate protection projects and 39 percent try to increase their energy efficiency in industrial real estate. © Hermes Europe

28/04/2020 – Only every fifth company records its CO2 balance

Only every fifth company records its CO2 balance

Sustainability in Supply Chain Management?

The result of the 12th Hermes Barometer on “Sustainability in Supply Chain Management”: Lack of pressure to take action causes passivity. By  Editorial staff

The Trend Forum offered a first glimpse of the latest fabric creations. © Modtissimo

27/04/2020 – Portuguese textile and apparel industry

Portuguese textile and apparel industry

Modtissimo: Innovative and alternative

One of the last fabrics and apparel fairs, Modtissimo was staged in Porto at the end of February and experienced plenty of international support. By  Editorial staff

In the current challenging climate, the holistic, digital colour management solutions from Natific are demonstrating their many advantages and are assuming an important role in the digitalisation strategies of companies around the world. Christoph Bergmann, a partner at Natific and Head of Sales and Marketing Europe and Service Operations. © Natific

27/04/2020 – Digitalising colour management

Digitalising colour management

Faster, friction-free and across continents with Natific

The digitalisation demonstrates its important role for textile and fashion companies around the world. An interview with Christoph Bergmann, partner at ... By  Sabine Anton-Katzenbach

ITMA Asia + CITME: Originally slated to be held in October, the combined show will now take place from 12 to 16 June 2021 at the National Exhibition and Convention Centre (NECC), Shanghai. © moofushi/

In light of the current coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, ITMA ASIA + CITME 2020 has been rescheduled, despite receiving strong response from exhibitors. By  Editorial staff

Since January 2019, Enka only uses FSC-certified raw materials. The FSC-certified viscose can also be blended with other non-wood-based fibres and fabrics. © Enka

22/04/2020 – Sustainability FSC? Yes!

Sustainability FSC? Yes!

FSC arrives in the fashion world

Whenever you see the symbol for sustainable forest management – the little tree with a tick – fashion is not usually the first thing that springs to mind. ... By  Editorial staff

In the “Virtual Product Development” module, students in the 7th semester were able to demonstrate an almost entirely digital product development process. © HTW Berlin

21/04/2020 – Clothing technology

Clothing technology

HTW Berlin: 3D simulation of clothing

The HTW Berlin clothing technology course is increasingly concerned with the 3D simulation of clothing. By  Editorial staff

Neonyt can no longer take place in its customary form. © Neonyt, Messe Frankfurt

20/04/2020 – Late summer?

Late summer?

Corona crisis: Neonyt postponed

Germany’s central government and its federal states have banned all major events until the end of August 2020. This decision will have a direct impact ... By  Editorial staff