23/09/2024 – Advertorial — auf Deutsch lesen

Fynch-Hatton digitizes with OSCA

The fashion brand opts for the SCM software from Setlog. The implementation happened in a record time of just five weeks. The processes are automated, the supply chain becomes transparent.


Models with Fynch Hatton clothing: The brand offers high-quality women's and men's fashion. © Fynch-Hatton


Fynch-Hatton's central warehouse in Monchengladbach (right): The company uses Setlog's OSCA software to manage orders from suppliers and goods transportation. © Fynch-Hatton


The fashion brand Fynch-Hatton has prepared itself for further growth: In order to bring transparency into the supply chain and automate supply chain processes, the Monchengladbach-based company introduced the cloud-based software OSCA SCM from Setlog GmbH in Bochum.

“In 2022, we achieved record sales growth in the company's history of more than 40 percent. But the import process was not transparent yet because we were still working with Excel spreadsheets and lots of emails. We could only react to disruptions in the supply chain with a delay,” reports Patrick Lamertz, Head of Supply Chain at Fynch-Hatton. To prepare for further expansion plans and achieve greater transparency and agility in supply chain management, the management of Fynch-Hatton, together with CFO Frank Zimmermann, who is also responsible for logistics, decided to digitize the supply chain. Out of ten tools evaluated, the management opted for Setlog's “Online Supply Chain Accelerator”, or OSCA for short, due to its range of functions and practicality.

“With OSCA, we are optimally equipped for future growth. Full transparency in the supply chain is of the utmost importance when it comes to short-term supply chain disruptions - and this cannot be avoided in industries with fast-moving consumer goods,” emphasizes Frank Zimmermann.

We are your expert for supply chain software: https://www.setlog.com

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