

Auf der Textildruck Convention wird gezeigt, wie mithilfe eines optimierten Workflows und einem angepassten Color-Management gute Druckergebnisse erzielt werden können. © Aka Merch & Textil GmbH

10/03/2025 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 10/2025

Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen die fünf meistgelesenen Artikel aus der Vorwoche. Das Ranking basiert auf Ihrem Klickverhalten auf der Webseite. By  Daniel Keienburg

Too much paperwork: According to a survey by Setlog, representatives of the consumer goods industry want nothing more from the new German government than a reduction in bureaucracy. © Scott Graham/unsplash

28/02/2025 – Setlog survey

Setlog survey

Most important task of the German government: Reducing bureaucracy

Reduce red tape and eliminate reporting obligations: If retailers of fast-moving consumer goods have their way, the new German government should put the ... By  Sibylle Michel

Seit 1. September ist Markus Simon neuer Geschäftsführer von Schmitz Textiles in Emsdetten, Westfalen. © Schmitz Textiles

30/09/2024 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 39/2024

Hier präsentieren wir Ihnen die fünf meist gelesenen Artikel aus der Vorwoche. Das Ranking basiert auf Ihrem Klickverhalten auf der Webseite. By  Sven Ramer

Models with Fynch Hatton clothing: The brand offers high-quality women's and men's fashion. © Fynch-Hatton

23/09/2024 – Advertorial


Fynch-Hatton digitizes with OSCA

The fashion brand opts for the SCM software from Setlog. The implementation happened in a record time of just five weeks. The processes are automated, ... von Setlog

In Bangladesh, goods are currently held up in customs for up to three weeks. © terovesalainen/

27/08/2024 – Bangladesh


Higher prices due to riots and government overthrow

The outbreak of violence in Bangladesh, resulting in hundreds of deaths and the collapse of the government, will have long-term consequences for both ... By  Sibylle Michel

Demand uncertainty and cost pressure are forcing companies to act. © William W. Potter/

19/12/2022 – Supply Chain

Supply Chain

The ten most important SCM trends of 2023

After in-depth analysis, SCM specialists from Setlog have come up with ten key theses on the most important supply chain trends for 2023. By  Editorial staff

The delivery situation is constantly improving. © joyfotoliakid/

10/11/2022 – Logistics


Delivery chaos continues to decline

Importers of fast-moving consumer goods don’t need to be on high alert when it comes to mega retail events – at least in regards of sea freight rates and ... By  Sibylle Michel