Technical Textiles

The E³ - triple energy, economics, ergonomics Photo: Saurer

The E³ - triple energy, economics, ergonomics Photo: Saurer

21/10/2015 – ITMA 2015

ITMA 2015

Saurer: Innovations, E³ and Sun

The textile industry today is facing several major challenges: cost and availability of labour, utilisation of resources and the increasing pace of fashion. ... By  Editorial staff
Jigmaster, presented a ITMA Barcelona. The Jigger is able to save water and energy by applying the counter flow rinsing principle to discontinuous...

Jigmaster, presented a ITMA Barcelona. The Jigger is able to save water and energy by applying the counter flow rinsing principle to discontinuous dyeing machines Photo: Lap-Pro

“Dyewa“ is good news for dye houses and the environment: The new type of discontinuous dyeing machine for open width knit goods is able to reduce consumption ... By  Editorial staff
Clothing brands must multi-channel the smart way, to find the right mix Photos: EulerHermes

Clothing brands must multi-channel the smart way, to find the right mix Photos: EulerHermes

By  Editorial staff
The corrugated board production capacity is 135 million square metres/year Photos: Gebr. Kufferath

The corrugated board production capacity is 135 million square metres/year Photos: Gebr. Kufferath

Since October 2014, the box plant in Werne is using the innovative upper belt Conducto 3313 made by GKD – Gebr. Kufferath AG in the heating section. Its ... By  Editorial staff
The Testing and Certification Department at STFI offers to its clients a wide range of services for PPE Photo: STFI

The Testing and Certification Department at STFI offers to its clients a wide range of services for PPE Photo: STFI

By  Editorial staff