Technical Textiles

Groundbreaking ceremony San Luis Potosi Mexiko
Photo: Autoneum

Groundbreaking ceremony San Luis Potosi Mexiko Photo: Autoneum

Autoneum has laid the foundation stone for a new plant in the North American growth market of Mexico. The decisive factor behind the expansion of its ... By  Editorial staff
Fair impressions
Photos: Composites Europe

Fair impressions Photos: Composites Europe

Composites are one of the key technologies in light construction. Composites Europe reflects the growing market for light materials. From 22–24 September, ... By  Editorial staff
Stoll enters into a partnership with Shang Gong Group 
Photo: screenshot website (German)

Stoll enters into a partnership with Shang Gong Group Photo: screenshot website (German)

The well-known German flat knitting company Stoll has announced a partnership with Shanghai based Shang Gong Group (SGG) which is focusing on sewing and ... By  Editorial staff
Go new ways… Photo: fotolia

Go new ways… Photo: fotolia

Dr. Uwe Mazura, Managing Director of the German Textile+Fashion Confederation, and Kai Falk, Managing Director of German Retailer Association HDE originally ... By  Editorial staff
Infos about the 'Transportation Interior Design' course at Reutlingen Photos: Reutlingen University

Infos about the 'Transportation Interior Design' course at Reutlingen Photos: Reutlingen University

By  Editorial staff