24/05/2021 – Nonwovens
Edana: Growth in nonwovens continues
European nonwoven production grows by over 7 percent to exceed 3 million tonnes in 2020.

According to figures collected and compiled by the Edana secretariat, production of nonwovens in Greater Europe grew by 7.2 percent in 2020 to reach 3,075,615 tonnes (and 85.9 billion square metres) with a total estimated turnover of 9,555 million euro. The total output of the 27 European Union countries is now over 2.15 million tonnes. © Edana

According to figures collected and compiled by the Edana secretariat, production of nonwovens in Greater Europe grew by 7.2 percent in 2020 to reach 3,075,615 tonnes (and 85.9 billion square metres) with a total estimated turnover of 9,555 million euro. The total output of the 27 European Union countries is now over 2.15 million tonnes. © Edana