

The Krefeld-based start-up OceanSafe developed synthetic textiles that are 100 percent biodegradable, and received for this innovation the German Sustainability Award Design 2021 as a “pioneer”. © Christian Köster

08/12/2020 – Paradigm shift in the global textile industry

Paradigm shift in the global textile industry

German Sustainability Award Design 2021: OceanSafe wins

The Krefeld-based start-up OceanSafe received the German Sustainability Award Design 2021 as a “pioneer”. By  Editorial staff

Beim italienischen Stoffproduzenten in Biella: Die beiden Gründer Dario Pirovino (links) und Dario Grünenfelder (rechts). © Muntagnard

02/12/2020 – Nachhaltigkeits-Start-ups – Folge 1: Muntagnard AG (Domat Ems/CH)

Nachhaltigkeits-Start-ups – Folge 1: Muntagnard AG (Domat Ems/CH)

Ziel Zero: Das Unmögliche wagen

Alles, was wir an Bekleidung tragen, sollte entweder recycelbar oder vollbiologisch abbaubar bzw. verrottbar sein. Innovative Start-ups zeigen Wege auf. ... By  Hans-Werner Oertel

The CHT Group is convinced that recyclable textile products are the right means to protect resources and reduce the environmental impact. © CHT

11/11/2020 – Circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles

Circular economy according to the Cradle to Cradle principles

The CHT Group is constantly expanding its sustainable product range

According to the CHT Group’s self-perception, sustainable innovation always includes responsibility for the future. By  Editorial staff