

The average body circumference of the US population has increased significantly. This is one of the truly significant findings of the Size NorthAmerica measurement survey, during which around 18,000 people in the USA and Canada were measured with 3D body scanners. Image: Vidya © Assyst

04/10/2019 – 3D needs avatars!

3D needs avatars!

Assyst at the PI Apparel on Lake Maggiore

At the PI Apparel on Lake Maggiore, Assyst will show how important up-to-date knowledge of the target group’s body dimensions is for market success. By  Editorial staff

Lectra offers solutions für Industry 4.0. From the left: Javier Garcia, Daniel Harari and Céline Choussy Bedouet. © Lectra

01/10/2019 – Lectra 4.0: Digitalizing and Connecting the Value Chain

Lectra 4.0: Digitalizing and Connecting the Value Chain

Lectra supports growth in Asia

Lectra supports growth in Asia with market-attuned solutions. On-demand production a focal point of Industry 4.0 demonstrations at Cisma, Shanghai. By  Editorial staff

Avalution will present the results of its Size NorthAmerica series measurement and its latest 3D body scanner, AVAone, for the first time in Asia at CISMA in Shanghai. © Avalution

23/09/2019 – New 3D body scanner at CISMA

New 3D body scanner at CISMA

An Asian première for Avalution

Avalution and its Chinese partner Leatech will be at the CISMA in Shanghai from September 25 to 28, 2019. By  Sibylle Michel

The 8th “mtex+” is being held as the “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” in the new Carlowitz Congresscenter at the heart of Chemnitz (Germany) for the first time on 9–10 June 2020. Photo: mtex+ 2018 © mtex+/ Kristin Schmidt

10/09/2019 – New location, sharpe profile

New location, sharpe profile

mtex+ 2020

8th edition to be held as the “Fair & Convention for Hightech Textiles” at the Carlowitz Congresscenter Chemnitz for the first time on 9–10 June 2020. By  Editorial staff

Vier KI-Trainer des Zentrums gehen zukünftig direkt in Unternehmen und bieten dort kostenfrei Informationsgespräche und Schulungen an. © Screenshot BMWi/ Shin

06/09/2019 – Technologische und wirtschaftliche Potenziale der Künstlichen Intelligenz

Technologische und wirtschaftliche Potenziale der Künstlichen Intelligenz

KI-Trainer bei Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt

KI-Trainer für Mittelständler der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie sowie des Textilmaschinenbaus im Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt. By  Editorial staff

More than 100 international experts will present their latest innovations of the textile industry. Also: A highly interesting discussion about “Circular economy” with the three worldwide biggest fiber producers. © GFC

05/09/2019 – Textile industry

Textile industry

Dornbirn-GFC 2019: first time with Startup Days

Sustainability/circular economy, digitalization, technical textiles, nonwovens and the first Startup Days are the hot topics. By  Editorial staff

Today, Dematic’s Garments on Hangers automated hanging garment warehouse is the industry standard. © Dematic

28/08/2019 – 200 Years of Dematic

200 Years of Dematic

Dematic Takes a Look Back at History: Developments in Overhead Conveyor Technology

At the beginning of the 20th century, the production halls offered a completely different picture than today: many employees moved the heavy goods at ... By  Editorial staff