The Microfactory 4 Fashion has already been shown at several major trade fairs.

Avalution, Assyst GmbH and the DITF Denkendorf are currently developing a solution based on the world’s largest database of human body scans. The joint research project will significantly improve sizing & fitting predictions in online shopping. The goal? Reduced return rates! © Human Solutions
13/12/2018 – Avalution
Digitalization as a way out of the returns trap – Avalution launches research project

Die DTB Jahrestagung 2018 fand am 15. November 2018 in Kolbermoor auf dem Areal der Alten Spinnerei statt. Vorstandsvorsitzende des DTB Wilfried Bäuning, CDO bugatti GmbH, bei der Begrüßung der Gäste © DTB
07/12/2018 – DTB Jahrestagung 2018
DTB Jahrestagung 2018
Die diesjährige Jahrestagung des DTB - Dialog Trust Business gab einen tiefen Einblick in die Aktualität und die Zukunft der textilen Branche

Seven out of ten companies say they will seek the support of their logistics service providers as they digitize their supply chain © Hermes Germany
05/12/2018 – Hermes Germany
Hermes Germany
An increase in efficiency within the supply chain will only be possible through cooperation with customers and suppliers