

Customers get Industry 4.0-ready as Lectra unveiled latest product offerings and shared insights at annual fashion VIP event © Lectra

22/05/2018 – Lectra


Lectra unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room

Lectra put theory into practice at its recent fashion event by unveiling their latest 4.0 Cutting Room to more than 100 privileged industry professionals. By  Editorial staff

Located in the premises of the Textile + Fashion Confederation in Berlin, the showroom enables visitors to experience the digital textile world first hand. Here with Ingeborg Neumann, president of the Textile + Fashion Confederation in Berlin © Textil vernetzt

17/05/2018 – Editorial


Networked textiles!

It’s here at last – the future of our industry has its very own showroom. It enables visitors to experience the digital textile world first hand. By  Editorial staff

Christian Kaiser © DITF Denkendorf

09/05/2018 – Microfactory part 6

Microfactory part 6

‘We want to bring production know-how back to Germany’

What opportunities does the Microfactory offer? We spoke to the coordinator of the Microfactory 4 Fashion project, Christian Kaiser, DITF Denkendorf. By  Editorial staff

Lectra develops the fashion cutting room for customised mass production © Ollyy/

02/05/2018 – Lectra


Unique, individual, high-quality garments

Customers long for unique, high-quality products that meet their specific needs, yet expect fast and cheap production. By  Editorial staff

Whether in conversational commerce, the internet of things or data-driven business models, Otto Group’s secret of success lies in Group-wide expansion of technological skills © Otto Group

25/04/2018 – Otto Group: 6th e-commerce media conference

Otto Group: 6th e-commerce media conference

Digital transformation and challenges

The Ottogroup invited media representatives to the annual meeting and presented the latest ecommerce trends and digital strategies of the group. By  Editorial staff

Eröffnung des Berliner Showrooms von Textil vernetzt (v.l.n.r.): Otto Fricke, MdB (FDP) und Ordentliches Mitglied im Bundesfinanzierungsgremium sowie im Haushaltsausschuss; Prof. Dr. Thomas Gries, Institutsleiter ITA; Ingeborg Neumann, Präsidentin Gesamtverband textil+mode; Stefan Schnorr, Leiter der Abteilung Digital- und Innovationspolitik im Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi); Insa Klasing, TheNextWe; Peter Brunsberg, bagjack e.K.; Prof. Dr. Meike Tilebein, Leiterin Management Research an den DITF; Dr. Yves-Simon Gloy, Institutsleiter STFI; Dr. Karl-Peter Fritz, Projektleiter Textil vernetzt und stellvertretender Institutsleiter bei Hahn-Schickard; Sebastian Ihling, Alfred Apelt GmbH © Textil vernetzt

20/04/2018 – Gesamtverbandes textil+mode

Gesamtverbandes textil+mode

Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt

Das Mittelstand 4.0.-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt zeigt in Berlin, welche Chancen die Digitalisierung der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie bietet. By  Editorial staff

© Human Solutions

20/04/2018 – Texprocess Americas

Texprocess Americas

Human Solutions: Digital is now!

The Texprocess Americas will see Human Solutions present solutions to accelerate work processes in the apparel industry. By  Editorial staff