Cooperation alliances between medium-sized companies and application-oriented research institutions create jobs and sustainable sales.
By Hans-Werner Oertel
The world's first double-curved textile reinforced concrete facade - novel drapable textile structure also sets innovation impulses for other industries
By Editorial staff
The Institut für Textiltechnik Aachen (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University has successfully launched its Aerospace engineering and Manufacturing program.
By Editorial staff
Die Digitalisierung im textilen Mittelstand schreitet voran. Vertreter aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Digitalexperten trafen sich in Denkendorf.
By Editorial staff
In der neuen Textilakademie auf dem Campus Mönchengladbach der Hochschule Niederrhein ist jetzt das Center Textillogistik (CTL) eröffnet worden.
By Editorial staff