

Rhotex 325: A new industrial printing system with a print width of 3.2 m for the area of soft signage. It allows environmentally friendly textile applications based on Durst Water Technology and delivers productivity of up to 390 m2/hour through either direct-to-textile printing or printing on transfer paper. The Rhotex 325 can be equipped with jumbo rolls to handle large print jobs and for unattended production, and also offers remote control and analytics functions to ensure continuous uptime. © Durst

21/04/2017 – Fespa 2017: Durst

Fespa 2017: Durst

Durst with a “Plus” at FESPA Digital 2017

Investment security and reliability as well as innovation and sustainability are the key topics of its trade show presence By  Editorial staff

Fespa 2017 shows New Solutions for Brother Garment Printers (Photo: Brother)

29/03/2017 – Brother Internationale Industriemaschinen

Brother Internationale Industriemaschinen

Fespa 2017: Your Business – flexible like never before

New Solutions for Brother Garment Printers. By  Editorial staff
Fespa Digital 2016, Amsterdam, take place from 8th -11th March (Photo: Fespa)

Fespa Digital 2016, Amsterdam, take place from 8th -11th March (Photo: Fespa)

08/03/2016 – Fespa 2016, Amsterdam

Fespa 2016, Amsterdam

Back to the roots

On 8th March 2016 witnesses the return of FESPA Digital to its origin, at the RAI Exhibition Centre in Amsterdam. Throughout the week, thousands of visitors ... By  Editorial staff
FESPA 2015 attracts most international visitor audience to date
Photos: Fespa

FESPA 2015 attracts most international visitor audience to date Photos: Fespa

21/06/2015 – FESPA 2015

FESPA 2015

High internationality, more visitors

FESPA 2015 Global Expo, (18-22 May 2015) in Cologne, Germany, attracted the most internationally diverse audience yet, with exhibitors meeting delegates ... By  Editorial staff
12.05.2015: FESPA 2015: Printeriors
12/05/2015 – FESPA 2015

FESPA 2015


Printeriors ist eine neue anwendungsorientierte Veranstaltung speziell für die Innendesigner-Community. Hier wird das kreative Potenzial der Drucktechnologien ... By  Editorial staff
12.05.2015: FESPA Fabric: Rund um die Bekleidungsdekoration und den Textildruck
12/05/2015 – FESPA Fabric

FESPA Fabric

Rund um die Bekleidungsdekoration und den Textildruck

Bei der FESPA Fabric (FESPA 2015 in Köln, 18.-22. Mai 2015) wird eine große Konstellation von Möglichkeiten für die Bekleidungsdekoration präsentiert. ... By  Editorial staff