

Dornbirn-MFC – the European characterised innovation platform act as an Idea- and Network generator – for nonwovens too! © Shutterstock

31/05/2017 – Dornbirn-MFC


Dornbirn-MFC as idea- and network generator

In recent years Dornbirn-MFC has gradually developed as a “global brand“ and its rising number of participants and international origin reflect its status. By  Editorial staff

Die Südwolle Group ist ein führender Hersteller von Kammgarnen für Weberei, Rund- und Flachstickprodukte – Blick in die Produktion © Südwolle Group

29/05/2017 – Südwolle Group

Südwolle Group

Auf Wachstum eingestellt

Um die sich bietenden Wachstumspotenziale in Zukunft effektiv zu realisieren, wurden die strategischen und operativen Managementaufgaben neu verteilt. ... By  Editorial staff

Carbon concrete. Zimmermann developed exceptional solutions for carbon covered yarns used both in lightweight construction and for industrial purposes. © W. Zimmermann

It is considered the building material of the future: carbon concrete. In 2016, its research was honoured with the “Deutscher Zukunftspreis” (German Future ... By  Editorial staff

China: Perlon (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd, Haining, Contract signing for the new building construction at the production site in China © Photo: Perlon

20/04/2017 – Perlon Group

Perlon Group

The Filament Company Invests

The Perlon Group, the worldwide leading manufacturer of synthetic filaments, is implementing important measures for its internationalisation strategy. By  Editorial staff

Silver-tech, the conductive speciality sewing and embroidery thread with a silver coating, has been developed by Amann specifically for light-emitting embroidery (Photo: Amann)

12/04/2017 – Messe Frankfurt

Messe Frankfurt

Texprocess 2017 - Amann Group: Thinking solutions!

Amann’s textile think-tank develops intelligent products, individual solutions and innovative concepts for textile issues. By  Editorial staff

Verteuerung der Rohstoffe und Energiekosten gefährden die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Textilindustrie

Starker Anstieg der Bezugspreise für produktionsrelevante Vormaterialien bei Polyester und Polyamid 6.6 belasten die deutsche Textilindustrie. By  Editorial staff

Asahi Kasei presents the new Roica Premium Stretch Fiber campaign celebrating its new and unique market development position and identity in its new range of contemporary product that combines stretch, performance and comfort (Photo: Roica)

15/02/2017 – Asahi Kasei

Asahi Kasei

Roica - re-shaping, performance fit for everyone

Asahi Kasei presents the new Roica Premium Stretch Fiber campaign. By  Editorial staff