Textile Machinery


Der Textilmaschinenbau steht unter starkem Veränderungsdruck, der durch die Coronakrise noch verschärft wird. Die IG Metall hat jetzt den Branchenreport „Textilmaschinenbau in Deutschland“ vorgestellt. © IG Metall_Pfaff Industriesysteme GmbH

28/04/2021 – Mehr in Ausbildung investieren, attraktiver werden für Fachkräfte

Mehr in Ausbildung investieren, attraktiver werden für Fachkräfte

IG Metall: Textilmaschinenbau im Blick

Das Gebot der Stunde lautet: Produktion in Deutschland sichern! Detaillierte Branchenuntersuchung aus Arbeitnehmersicht zeigt Schwachstellen auf. ... By  Editorial staff

Streetart on the beach! © Karl Mayer Gruppe

26/04/2021 – Bathing fun – yay!

Bathing fun – yay!

Karl Mayer: Warp knitted terry fabric with digital prints

The terry cloth product creates vibrant accents with lively motifs in bright colours at the swimming pool, at the beach or in the bathroom. By  Editorial staff

Monforts Vice-President Klaus Heinrichs is to retire at the end of May 2021. © Monforts

23/04/2021 – Almost 30 years with the company

Almost 30 years with the company

Monforts says goodbye to Klaus Heinrichs

After almost 30 years with the company, Monforts Vice-President Klaus Heinrichs is to retire at the end of May. By  Editorial staff

The implementation of higher added value, well-paid job opportunities and the associated socio-cultural upswing will create a huge market for European services and products on the African continent. © Jeanette Dietl/stock.adobe.com

22/04/2021 – Special: Africa

Special: Africa

Ethiopia – A great opportunity for Germany’s textile industry

Despite its many challenges, Ethiopia offers a wealth of opportunity. An article by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Michael and Franziska Lehmann, Texulting. ... By  Editorial staff

ITMA Asia + CITME: To date, it has attracted the participation of 1,500 exhibitors, including many established machinery manufacturers from 24 countries. © ITMA Asia

10/03/2021 – Online visitor registration commences

Online visitor registration commences

ITMA Asia + CITME, 12–16 June 2021

The online visitor registration for ITMA Asia + CITME 2020, which will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Centre (NECC) in Shanghai, is ... By  Editorial staff

Hightex 2021 International Technical Textile and Nonwovens Fair, which is scheduled to be held at Tüyap Exhibition and Convention Center from June 22 to 26, 2021, will present the latest technologies and products for nonwovens, technical and smart textiles, which have gained importance and become the focus of the whole world during the pandemic period. © Hightex

23/02/2021 – Global success of technical textiles

Global success of technical textiles

Hightex 2021: The fair will be held in June

Hightex 2021 is scheduled for June 22–26. The focus at the exhibition center in Istanbul will be on technical textiles and production technologies. By  Editorial staff