

Auf einer Fläche von 135m² präsentiert der Seidensticker Store in Köln die Hemden- und Blusenkollektionen der Marke (Photos: Seidensticker)

18/08/2016 – Seidensticker


Seidensticker optimiert CRM-Konzept

Seidensticker setzt zur Professionalisierung seines Kundenbeziehungs-Managements (CRM) auf die Cloud-Lösung des Software-Spezialisten Salesforce. By  Anja Menzel

In the summer of 2017, Picture Organic Clothing is launching a 100% ecological wetsuit collection (Photo: Picture Organic Clothing)

28/07/2016 – Picture Organic Clothing

Picture Organic Clothing

Neoprene-free, based on rubber

In summer 2017, Picture Organic Clothing is launching a 100% ecological wetsuit collection. By  Anja Menzel

Missoni succeeded in transforming fashion into art (Photo: Missoni)

29/06/2016 – Museum Tips

Museum Tips

Fashion and Textile Museum shows Missoni

An exhibition in Italy featuring Missoni’s company and family history attracted over 40, 000 visitors. Now the exhibits are on show in London. By  Editorial staff

Dr. Helmut Preßl and Arno Gärtner, Karl Mayer’s Management Board, and Fausto Lonati, Chief Executive of the Lonati Group, and Andrea Lonati, Chief Executive of the Santoni S.p.A. (from left to right, Photo: Karl Mayer)

07/06/2016 – Santoni


Karl Mayer acquires warp knitting technology

Santoni and Karl Mayer agreed on May 30th, 2016 that Santoni will transfer its SWD technology to Nippon Mayer. By  Editorial staff

Joachim Hensch, Managing Director Hugo Boss Textile Industries, broke down the topic of Industry 4.0 – or Smart Factory to the reality of apparel manufacturing (Photos: Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh)

29/05/2016 – IACDE World Convention 2016

IACDE World Convention 2016

Look behind the scenes

Deep dive was the term Roland Schuler, IACDE’s International President had chosen when opening this year’s World Convention for the unique cluster of its ... By  Editorial staff

The new Eco Passport by Oeko-Tex certification offers textile chemical suppliers the possibility to have their products assessed for sustainable aspects by a thirdparty institution (Photo: gettyimages/westend61)

27/05/2016 – Sustainable textile chemicals

Sustainable textile chemicals

Oeko-Tex launches new Eco Passport certification

Sustainable textile chemicals. The Oeko-Tex Association is pleased to announce the official launch of the new Eco Passport by Oeko-Tex certification for ... By  Editorial staff

Impressionen Peru Moda 2016 - Designwettbewerb (Photo: Promperú)

26/05/2016 – Peru Moda 2016, Lima

Peru Moda 2016, Lima

Alpaka und Pima sind Verkaufsschlager

Lima, die peruanische Hauptstadt war Ende April 2016 für drei Tage wieder das Zentrum der lateinamerikanischen Modewelt. Vom 20. bis zum 22. April fanden hier die ... By  Editorial staff