

The Lycra Company is a global leader in developing innovative fiber and technology solutions for the textile and apparel industry. © The Lycra Company

24/03/2022 – Lawsuit


Settlement in latest patent infringement cases

The Lycra Company announced a settlement related to its ongoing global efforts to protect its intellectual property (IP), including patents and trademarks, ... By  Editorial staff

Experts from around the world will unpack their learnings about AI. © tiagozr/

15/02/2022 – Experience AI

Experience AI

Adoption of AI at the workplace

From February 21 to 25, 2022, the “International Conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity, and Skills 2022” will discuss insights on the adoption ... By  Editorial staff
Jahresrückblick 2021

We say goodbye to 2020 with a retrospect of our most clicked articles of the year! © Robert Kneschke/

03/01/2022 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Branchenrückblick 2021

Welche Nachrichten und Themen haben unsere Leserinnen und Leser 2021 bewegt? Wir verraten es Ihnen in unserem Jahresrückblick! By  Editorial staff

Der Bietigheimer Bekleidungsspezialist Olymp und Geschäftsführer Dirk Heper gehen einvernehmlich auseinander. © Olymp

01/12/2021 – Trennung mit sofortiger Wirkung

Trennung mit sofortiger Wirkung

Geschäftsführer Dirk Heper verlässt Olymp

Die Olymp Bezner KG aus Bietigheim-Bissingen und ihr langjähriger Geschäftsführer für Vertrieb und Produkt, Dirk Heper, gehen getrennte Wege. By  Sibylle Michel

Arno Gärtner, Karl Mayer’s CEO (left in the picture) and Dr. Helmut Preßl, Karl Mayer’s CFO, open the new building of the headquarters with a cut through the red ribbon. © Karl Mayer

20/09/2021 – Networking, agile working and more

Networking, agile working and more

Karl Mayer with new head office building

The Karl Mayer Group’s corporate headquarters moved into a new building. It forms the focal point of the new Campus at the Obertshausen site. By  Sibylle Michel

Daniel Harari, Chairman and CEO, Lectra, is convinced: “Gemini’s product portfolio complements Lectra’s software offers.” © Lectra

08/09/2021 – Enhancing the fashion software portfolio

Enhancing the fashion software portfolio

Lectra acquires Gemini CAD Systems

Lectra announces the signature of an agreement to acquire the entire capital and voting rights of the Romanian company Gemini CAD Systems. By  Editorial staff

Siegried Winkelbeiner (right) und Joachim Kath (left) –The two CEOs know one another well from their previous work and from joint international projects at Ciba-Geigy and BASF. © Schoeller Textil

05/08/2021 – Change in leadership

Change in leadership

New CEO at Schoeller Textil

In July 2021, Joachim Kath has taken over as CEO. Following a 10-year career, Siegfried Winkelbeiner has moved into retirement. By  Sibylle Michel