

Amaury Sartorius, Managing Director of Klopman: “Actions such as the signing of the United Nations Global Compact agreement and our adoption of the carbon footprint measurement are more than a mere declaration of intent; they demonstrate the direction of a company with global reach that intends not only to produce economic results but, above all, to be a social actor capable of improving the lives of communities." © Klopman

09/11/2020 – Global Compact of the United Nations

Global Compact of the United Nations

Klopman joins in

The waste has reduced by 40 percent, more than 8 million plastic bottles were recycled thanks to greenwear fabrics. By  Editorial staff

Geschäftsführer Gosbert Amrhein, Alterfil Nähfaden © Kirsten Schmidt

14/07/2020 – Was kommt nach den Masken? – Teil 38

Was kommt nach den Masken? – Teil 38

Alterfil Nähfaden GmbH (Oederan)

„Wir hoffen darauf, dass die Wegwerf-Mentalität an Billigmode bis zu Einweg-Schutzbekleidungen einem Denken in wirklich wirtschaftlichem Sinne weicht.“ By  Hans-Werner Oertel