

Hohenstein helps textile industry companies to implement the goals of the Green Deal. © Hohenstein

03/11/2022 – Hohenstein helps with implementation

Hohenstein helps with implementation

European Green Deal goals for the textile industry

Hohenstein helps textile industry companies to implement the goals of the Green Deal by analyzing the current actions and identifying suitable measures. By  Sibylle Michel

With a mandate to inspire and trigger action at a global level, Dr. Isabella Tonaco will lead SCTI to drive transformational change in the textile and leather industries. © SCTI

01/11/2022 – Personnel matter

Personnel matter

SCTI appoints Isabella Tonaco as Executive Director

Sustainable Chemistry for the Textile Industry (SCTI) has appointed Dr. Isabella Tonaco as Executive Director, effective November 1, 2022. By  Sibylle Michel

Yiqi Yang is the 2021 recipient of the AATCC Olney Medal for outstanding achievement in textile science. © AATCC

31/10/2022 – Award


Yiqi Yang receives the 2021 Olney Medal

Yiqi Yang is being recognized with the AATCC Olney Medal for his work on the research and development of sustainable, greener textiles. By  Sibylle Michel

Cordura Advanced Fabrics appoint Malayka Erpen as Global Consumer Segment leader Cordura Brand. © Cordura

28/10/2022 – Personnel matter

Personnel matter

Malayka Erpen appointed as Global Consumer Segment leader

Invista’s Cordura brand announces the promotion of Malayka Erpen to Global Consumer Segment leader Cordura Brand. By  Sibylle Michel

With a well equipped R&D laboratory, responsive and innovative sampling and production processes, TAD is ISO 14001 certified to manage its environmental performance. © TAD

27/10/2022 – Acquisition


Coisne et Lambert acquires TAD

Coisne et Lambert, the group composed of the two companies TDV Industries and Klopman International, acquires TAD Teintures et Apprêts Danjoux. By  Sibylle Michel

Freudenberg is driving the customer’s global fuel cell activities forward, thereby also accelerating the breakthrough of mass-produced fuel cell stacks. © Freudenberg

20/10/2022 – Energy transition

Energy transition

Freudenberg concludes contract with automotive supplier

Freudenberg has concluded a multi-year contract with a global automotive tier one supplier to supply gas diffusion layers for fuel cell stacks. By  Sibylle Michel

Annabelle Hutter: “Being recognised on this list is highly gratifying, I am incredibly proud of being acknowledged in such an important arena as sustainability. Making the list at almost six years under the average age and being part of only 40% of the list who are female shows just how important it is to keep emphasising the path for young women to follow to the top levels of global business.” © Säntis Textiles

Annabelle Hutter has been included on the highly sought-after Tatler Asia Generation T (Gen.T) 2022 list, which comprises of 300 trailblazing young leaders ... By  Sibylle Michel