04/01/2022 – The Inventor’s Dilemma – The Entrepreneur’s Responsibility
Looking Back Ahead: In Dialog with David J. Gerber – Part III
With their third online session between Connecticut in the US and Brussels on the European side of the pond, David Gerber and Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh addressed the aspect of education and training, gaps in the eco-system to date, but above all the methodology to conceive and implement new approaches to solutions.

David Gerber’s book “The Inventor’s Dilemma: The Remarkable Life of H. Joseph Gerber” (Yale University Press, 2016), beyond biography rolls out the history of computer automation of manufacturing through the second half of the twentieth century. © Yale University Press

In 1994 Joe Gerber was honored with the National Medal of Technology, handed out by Bill Clinton, 42th president of the United States. © Gerber