

Through the chemical recycling of PET, Rudolf Group’s R&D has studied new options which are additional to the traditional bottle-to-bottle recycling. © Rudolf Group

31/08/2021 – Textile chemistry

Textile chemistry

Cycle-Logic: upcycling of PET plastic bottles

Rudolf Group implements the manufacturing of chemical auxiliaries for textile based on chemically recycled PET plastic waste. By  Sibylle Michel

Brands that use YourFit have decreased return rates by up to 48%, while increasing conversion by four times year over year. © 3DLook

27/08/2021 – Virtual 2-in-1 try-on solution

Virtual 2-in-1 try-on solution

3DLook has launched YourFit

3DLook has launched the first 3D solution that offers photorealistic virtual try-on functionality combined with highly accurate size recommendations. By  Editorial staff

The OrganIQ EMS Jeans System avoids any toxic impact to wastewater. © CHT/Shutterstock

26/08/2021 – OrganIQ EMS Jeans

OrganIQ EMS Jeans

Sustainable jeans finishing

With the next generation, CHT’s OrganIQ family becomes a modular system: The OrganIQ EMS Jeans, which means Ecological Modular System for Jeans treatment. By  Editorial staff

Nyguard still occasionally produces zippers from plastic that is not biobased: “But the proportion of renewable raw materials is moving strongly toward 100 percent.” © Evonik

24/08/2021 – Bio-based material for zippers

Bio-based material for zippers

Textile recycling in one go

“Why not make the zipper out of the same material as the tape it’s attached to?,” wonders Gabriele Mosso, CEO of Nyguard, the Italian zipper manufacturer. By  Sibylle Michel

The countdown begins for the specialty printing industry's first live international event since 2019. In less than two months, the industry will meet again in Amsterdam. © Fespa

19/08/2021 – The countdown begins

The countdown begins

Re-opening of Fespa 2021

Due to the relaxation of restrictions and increasing pace of vaccination, Fespa Global Print Expo can be held live in Amsterdam from October 12–15, 2021. By  Sibylle Michel

Modtissimo will return from 7 to 8 October 2021 to Porto. © Modtissimo

11/08/2021 – Portuguese textile industry

Portuguese textile industry

Modtissimo returns in October 2021

Three months away from opening its doors, Modtissimo already has more than 100 confirmed companies. A sign that the industry wants to return to business. By  Editorial staff

Michal and Ania Laskowski, owners of CottonBee in Poland © Mimaki

10/08/2021 – The impact of Corona – An interview

The impact of Corona – An interview

Change in digital textile printing

How has the sudden and forced shift in consumer behaviour due to Covid-19 affected the wide variety of businesses within the textile printing industry? By  Editorial staff