

Prof. Dr. Axel Herrmann, Direktor Faserinstitut Bremen e.V.; Henning Hammer, Präsident Bremer Baumwollbörse; Martin Günther, Senator der Freien Hansestadt Bremen © Bremer Baumwollbörse e.V.

24/04/2018 – 34th International Cotton Conference

34th International Cotton Conference

Deep Insights into the Multifaceted World of Cotton

From the 21st to the 23rd of March, the international cotton industry came together in the historic Bremen Town Hall, under the motto "Cotton Insights". By  Editorial staff

Production costs for Cotton in the USA remain high, and unless producers have good yields, current prices may not be enough to cover all production expenses © pixabay

13/04/2018 – Bremer Baumwollbörse

Bremer Baumwollbörse

U.S. producers planning 13.1 million acres of cotton in 2018

This means up 3.7 percent from 2017, according to the National Cotton Council’s 37th Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey. By  Editorial staff

© Converse

09/03/2018 – Cordura


Converse X Cordura Collection

Cordura Brand Brings Durability to the Streets with Converse! By  Editorial staff

Employing a team of 820 staff members, the nonwovens manufacturer continued to expand its international position as a partner of global market leaders in construction, engineering, filtration, home textiles, hygiene, transportation and wipes. In the picture: Dr. Christian Sandler © Sandler

05/03/2018 – Sandler


Sandler reports 10 % increase in turnover

Sandler AG from Schwarzenbach an der Saale achieved a 10 % increase in turnover in 2017, reporting sales of 319 million Euro. By  Editorial staff

Indian Cotton © Bremer Baumwollbörse

12/01/2018 – Bremer Baumwollbörse

Bremer Baumwollbörse

Cotton - the Preferred Fibre for Sensitive Skin

Why is it that cotton as a natural plant fibre feels so good and is so wearable? By  Editorial staff

Aerelle Soft Flex are filling fibres for a high degree of sleeping comfort and the flexibility of the fibre filling offers excellent shape recovery © Advansa

28/11/2017 – Advansa - 50th anniversary of dacron

Advansa - 50th anniversary of dacron

Attractive Projects

Advansa's future activities: e.g.a relaunch is planned for Dacron 95°, a new generation of particularly hygienic fibre filling. By  Editorial staff

Collection point with transparent PET bottles © Trevira

08/11/2017 – Trevira


Sustainable in many different ways

A new brand was introduced at Trevira: Trevira Sinfineco. This label may be carried by all textiles that contain sustainable Trevira products. By  Editorial staff