
„Dank der Unterstützung des Landes Thüringen können wir unsere Forschungsinfrastruktur noch digitaler und nachhaltiger aufstellen“, freut sich Dr. Fabian Schreiber, Geschäftsführender Direktor des TITV Greiz. © TITV Greiz
03/06/2021 – Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit
Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit

Digital Transformation: The majority of respondents have recognised the need to quickly drive forward the digital transformation of the supply chain. Now it is time to actively enter the process in order to secure their own agility and future viability in the long term. © Hermes Gruppe
02/06/2021 – Digitalisation of the supply chain
Digitalisation of the supply chain

Daniel Harari, Chairman and CEO of Lectra: “We will now be in an even better position to support our customers throughout the world in accelerating the digital transformation of their operations.” © Lectra
02/06/2021 – The acquisition is completed
The acquisition is completed

Industry dialogues and workshops are offered and conducted on a client-specific basis. Since the beginning of the corona pandemic, mainly in online formats. © ITA/RWTH