Industry 4.0


Dimensions and related topics of the digital transformation (according to Impuls-Study Industrie 4.0-Readiness) © STFI

31/07/2017 – Exklusive-series: industry 4.0 explained – part 4.2

Exklusive-series: industry 4.0 explained – part 4.2

Remits in digital change

The working world of the future will be different from today's. By  Editorial staff

"What do you consider to be the greatest obstacles to achieving a transparent supply chain?" Hermes Barometer asked 200 German companies to find answers to this and to more questions © Hermesworld

11/07/2017 – Hermes Germany: Sustainability

Hermes Germany: Sustainability

Transparency in the supply chain?

80 percent allow potential for doing business sustainably to go unused! The newest Hermes barometer from Hermes Germany discovers deficits. By  Editorial staff

Mithilfe von CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) können auch Produkte beworben werden, die es real noch nicht gibt. © Laudert GmbH + Co. KG

10/07/2017 – E-Commerce


Schritte zum perfekten Produkt-Content

Marketingabläufe können noch so gut sein – liegt im E-Commerce kein geeigneter Content vor, verkaufen sich die Produkte nicht. Hier ist Effizienz gefragt. By  Editorial staff

Lectra’s Fashion 4.0 event looks ahead to tomorrow’s digital future © Lectra

10/07/2017 – Lectra


Strategies for the digital future

As fashion companies grapple with shifts in global economics and consumer behavior, Lectra offers digital solutions that keep the value chain agile. By  Editorial staff

The new Lectra Fashion PLM gears fashion companies up for the fourth industrial revolution © Lectra

23/06/2017 – Lectra


Fashion PLM 4.0 is available now

The new Lectra Fashion PLM gears fashion companies up for the fourth industrial revolution. By  Editorial staff

Das Forschungsprojekt DIGIT4TT erforscht, wie Technische Textilien mit Digitaldruck funktionalisiert werden können (Photo: Logo/ Bayern Innovativ)

08/09/2016 – Bayern Innovativ

Bayern Innovativ

Erste Phase DIGI4TT erfolgreich beendet

Im Netzwerk DIGI4TT sollen Ressourcen und Kompetenzen gebündelt werden, um den Digitaldruck als neue Oberflächentechnologie zu erschließen. Jetzt endete ... By  Editorial staff
Textile industry, ready for Industry 4.0 (Photo: W. Schmidt)

Textile industry, ready for Industry 4.0 (Photo: W. Schmidt)

23/05/2016 – Futuretex


Mtex: Industry 4.0 in the textile industry

Futuretex is poised to present the four basic projects exploring fundamental aspects of the fourth industrial revolution in the textile industry.   By  Editorial staff