Trade Fairs


Impressions Performance Days (Photos: Bernd Raithel)

16/11/2016 – Performance Days

Performance Days

Functional Fabric Fair – First impressions

First impressions from Munich. Performance days at MTC Munich with over 130 exhibitors from 22 countries. By  Anja Menzel

(Photos: PSI)

15/11/2016 – Advertorial - PSI 2017

Advertorial - PSI 2017

More space, more time, more diversity

PSI 2017, which will take place from Tuesday, 10 January, to Thursday, 12 January, is already emerging as a very promising event. By  Editorial staff

Always a big part of DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR, carpets and textile floor coverings will remain the heart and soul of the show in 2017 (Photo: deutsche Messe AG)

Carpets and textile floor coverings remain the biggest display area at DOMOTEX asia/CHINAFLOOR (21 – 23 March 2017) By  Editorial staff

Composites Europe and Aluminium expect more than 1,300 exhibitors in total and over 30,000 experts from industry, research and development (Photo: Reed Exhibition)

04/11/2016 – Composites Europe 2016

Composites Europe 2016

Looking into the future of composites

Lightweight construction, resource efficiency and multi-material design will be centre stage at this year’s Composites Europe in Dusseldorf. By  Editorial staff

Even though exhibitor numbers are stagnating in comparison with previous years, Intertextile Shanghai’s standing is steadily rising (Photos: Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd) © Messe Frankfurt

27/10/2016 – Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics

Quality rather than quantity

The euphoria has passed. China’s economic growth is reaching its limits. This has far-reaching consequences for the global sourcing market and is triggering ... By  Editorial staff

25/10/2016 – MarediModa


"The shock of the new"

This is the title of the unmissable speech by Mr. David Shah and one of the most expected event of the 15th edition of MarediModa, Cannes By  Editorial staff

Impressionen Munich Fabric Start H/W 17/18 (Photos: Munich Fabric Start)

20/10/2016 – 41. Munichfabricstart

41. Munichfabricstart

20 Jahre MFS – eine Messe der Premieren

Erstmals über 1000 Anbieter - davon 96 Erstaussteller - mit mehr als 1700 Kollektionen – und eine Erweiterung der Areas von 5 auf 7 Hallen. Die Jubiläumsveranstaltung ... By  Editorial staff