

Vicunha is celebrating 50 years of business! © Vicunha Textil

10/09/2018 – 50 years of Vicunha Textil

50 years of Vicunha Textil

Launch of Autumn/Winter 2019/20 collection

Operating across 3 continents in 8 countries with 50 years of market expertise, Vicunha Textil is a global player in the international denim business. By  Editorial staff

There are numerous ways of using salmon leather creatively © Nanai

07/09/2018 – Salmon leather

Salmon leather

Exotic skins from the sea

Sometimes great business ideas happen by accident. Bischofmais was the headquarters of one of Germany’s largest producers of smoked salmon. By  Editorial staff

The Danish label Muse Knitwear stood out here, with clear lines, harmonious colourways and minimalist Danish design © Muse Knitwear, DK

06/09/2018 – Fashion Week Berlin 2018

Fashion Week Berlin 2018

Is green the new black?

In July Berlin found itself once again under the spell of the fashion industry. Reflections on the subject of sustainability at Fashion Week Berlin. By  Editorial staff

Olive grove – a sustainable tanning agent is derived from the leaves of the olive trees © wet-green GmbH

05/09/2018 – wet-green GmbH

wet-green GmbH

Olive leather from Reutlingen

“Every effort to make the production of leather less harmful to people and the environment is respectable,” say wet-green. “That’s not enough for us!” By  Editorial staff

Holger Max-Lang, Geschäftsführer Lectra Deutschland. © Lectra

03/09/2018 – In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

Rückblick unserer Branche – KW 35/2018

Hier stellen wir die Top-Artikel aus unseren Rubriken vor. Der meistgelesene Beitrag in der KW 35 kommt aus der Rubrik „Business“. By  Daniel Keienburg

Committed to European production facilities, Kleinostheim-based workwear manufacturer Weitblick believes in the benefits of producing in Europe. © Weitblick

03/09/2018 – Weitblick


A clear statement for Europe!

By  Editorial staff

More and more companies, people and groups are placing the individual at the centre of their products and thoughts. The focus on ‘more’ was yesterday. Now it’s the benefits for people that count. Innovation always marks the beginning of a new way of thinking and of empathy! © VDMD

30/08/2018 – VDMD


Autumn/winter 2019/20: Man in the middle

The human brain alongside artificial intelligence.Do people need to be comforted with products that have the ability to soothe them? By  Editorial staff